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Sunday, December 22, 2013

SSA: Disability Recipients Soar, Funding Nearly Depleted Under Obama

The number of Americans receiving Social Security disability payments has increased 20 percent since President Barack Obama took office and the influx of new recipients has pushed the program close to insolvency.

The annual deficit in the Social Security Disability Trust Fund hit $31.49 billion in fiscal 2013 and the remaining balance of $100.49 billion in the fund will be depleted by 2016, the Social Security Administration predicts.



  1. The collapse of America is almost complete and the NWO will rule.

  2. I think it is clear that the Obama administration has pushed people onto disability in an effort to mask the true unemployment that is occurring.

  3. Don't forget that every person collecting "benefits" is a vote (FOR the democrats).

    1. Bs I am on disability and am a Republican.

  4. 1223 you don't have a clue what you are talking about. The COMPANIES are pushing people on disability. My family has personally experienced this. After paying into disability insurance on her job, the minute my mother needed to use it, her company (AT&T) "suggested" she go on permanent disability with the feds. This despite the doctors telling the company that her condition would be corrected with surgery and she would be able to go back to work. Finally after the paperwork and constant admin battles and without money to go hire a top lawyer, they were able to force my mother out due to a simple paperwork error by the doctor. Similar stories have played out over several companies that I am familiar with. If you people would take your partisan blinders off for one day, you could see the world for what it is. They are slashing older workers and hiring part time younger workers, not because of "evil Obama" or taxes, but because this pads their profit margins. A true race to the bottom.

  5. btw 1223 these companies have been doing this long before you ever heard of the name "Obama". In fact, they told you this would be a trend well over a decade ago.

  6. Obama only 3 more years of distruction.

  7. Yeah 1:51 Obama is fixing the problem as fast as he can isn't he???

  8. If the young had good manufacturing jobs a plenty, things would be different. But, then, we wouldn't want that now, would we?

  9. I too am on disability and paid in to the system for more than 40 years most of that time working two jobs.
    And I was treated like a criminal for the most part.
    If we were not paying illegals disability, that never paid a dime. Maybe the system would be in better shape.

  10. 10:02 PM

    I feel your pain. I have been fighting for mine over two years now. It seems that people that did not pay into the system get money that does not belong to them faster and easier than those of us who have paid into it and just want OUR money back. Why do they make it so difficult for us anda walk in the park for others?

  11. There are definitely some people receiving disability benefits that need it. However, the biggest joke of the system is children receiving disability benefits because they have ADHD. This started happening several years ago when they cut state welfare benefits. A big hole in the system was found. Since when does ADHD prohibit a parent from working. Disability benefits for a child is supposed to be for when the child's disability keeps a parent from working.

  12. 408 clown, let me slow it down for you. It's not a GOVERNMENT problem, it's a corporate trend. As in free markets. Oh, I guess you would like some heavy-handed socialism to fix the problem now.

  13. Since when does ADHD prohibit a parent from working. Disability benefits for a child is supposed to be for when the child's disability keeps a parent from working.

    December 21, 2013 at 1:21 AM

    I would take a guess and say when the parent has to stay home and care for the child.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    408 clown, let me slow it down for you. It's not a GOVERNMENT problem, it's a corporate trend. As in free markets. Oh, I guess you would like some heavy-handed socialism to fix the problem now.

    December 21, 2013 at 1:25 AM

    Calling people names is not the correct way to address people and make a point, which I don't think you have done. Got on the pc drunk again?


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