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Monday, December 09, 2013

SPD Press Release 12-9-13


  1. No way! Get out of here... All I see is rainbows and snowflakes on facebook.

  2. OH OH now we need gun control to keep guns from 13-16 year old How did they get the guns i know it was sold to them at a gun shop NOT

  3. Oh, just call 911 and they will be right there. You people better learn how to protect yourselves. Those kids, in now way, could have had a gun. It's against the law. And what are the results of the rap video on Church St. investigation. They were also underage in possession of firearms. I'm waiting for an answer police chief or mayor.

  4. Why didn't the white guys take the gun and whoop the baby thugs a$$e$!

  5. I moved away from that street several years ago because you could see the writing on the wall. People were so concerned about college kids they never saw the gangs coming. I would not live in town for anything now. So sad... it was a lovely place to live at one time.

  6. 5:36 Same issue in the area of Washington, Jackson, Lincoln, and Roger Streets. I grew up there in the 50s and 60s and it was a great place to live. Then the homeowners died and the houses turned into rental properties. Today, black people dominate the area and the behavior of people and property values have declined greatly. Those are just the facts.

  7. Well, 13-16 year olds have handguns. Let's prohibit 59 year olds from owning them so the 13 year olds can't steal them and use them on the 59 year olds.

    That will work



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