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Saturday, December 14, 2013

South Carolina To Outlaw Obamacare In Their State

Just the other day we reported that doctorsand hospitals are rejecting Obamacare across the country and it seems the states are beginning to follow suit.

South Carolina is poised to pass a bill that bansObamacare in their state.

The bill’s original sponsor, State Senator Tom Davis, says “the proposed legislation renders the Affordable Care Act void or inoperable through a handful of provisions,” all which are “legal, effective, and within the state’s power to do.”
The core of the “South Carolina Freedom of Heath Care Protection Act” (HB3101) outlaws any state employees, officers, or agencies from implementing Obamacare.

The federal government can try to subject South Carolinians to the horrors of the ACA – but they would have no personnel or funds in the state to actually carry it out. Obamacare would be nothing more than a ghost.

Davis says this component stems from the Supreme Court case of Printz v. United States:



  1. History is repeating itself in South Carolina. This is the first shot of the Civil War.

  2. It's a shame that the politicians in Maryland won't back up the peoples wishes.

  3. Our Framers feared Dictators and designed the Constitution this wayDecember 14, 2013 at 4:49 PM

    The States have more power than the Federal Government...

  4. I. Am.moving to.South Carolina!!

  5. God bless these folks who understand the Constitution!

  6. Maryland politicians = morons. Vote em all out.


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