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Sunday, December 01, 2013

So That Story About The Lesbian Waitress Getting Stiffed Was Totally Fake

There's one born every minute, and apparently plenty of people are only too willing to believe that judgmental Christians are out there looking to spew their vile hate. So when lesbian waitress Dayna Morales came forward with the claim that some customers had refused to tip her, and written on the check that it was because they disagreed with her gay lifestyle, lots of people were willing to believe it.

You probably saw links posted on Facebook for days on end by gullible liberals, gleefully showing it off as proof of their narrative that Christians and conservatives are haters. Turns out it was all a hoax, and it only lasted until the customers in question - who actually did tip Morales a perfectly generous 18 percent - recognized their own check (in doctored form, of course) as the one being bandied about. And even though they've come forward anonymously, they're not willing to let this slander continue to be perpetrated at their expense.

Nor should they.


  1. the moral of the story.liberals lie.

  2. So ONE story was a hoax, and who is to say the couple is telling the truth as well., there are still plenty of TRUE stories of this happening.

  3. This is just another in a long history of these people making crap up to plead victum

  4. 1:42 good try jimbo.

  5. The customer copy is the one you take home - they could have written in a tip after the story broke. It doesn't mean they actually tipped her. The merchant copy is the one that gets processed - so, no tip.

  6. NO! This has as yet to be resolved according to 2 local newspapers in the area - restaurant management is investigating receipts & security cam. My question is: Why would the supposed family even come forth as they were anonymous ?

  7. Don't worry. MSNBC - the network that covers ALL aspects of the victimization of gay lifestyles - will do a full and thorough report on this event, especially if it was a hoax. Then again, maybe not.

  8. How would the customers even know about your gay lifestyle. what did you say to make them know ? .:.. hi my name is Michelle and I will be your lesbian server today. I would highly recommend the fish sandwich, and I'd also recommend you stay away from the beef.

  9. i know if i heard that someone was making money and getting attention for being stiffed and then i saw it was my receipt on the screen and i knew i had left a tip , i'd be telling everyone who would listen. the person who's receipt this is has showed a credit card statement showing the 111.55 also. i have been a server and on more than one occasion have seen those prayer cards in the book in place of a tip but this time the server is a big fat lying thief who is making others look bad with this bs story. i hope she loses her job and does some soul searching, it's not her lifestyle that is the problem, it's her moral character in general

  10. This lesbian is a well known liar --she lied about shaving her head claiming she had cancer and she lied about the destruction of her home from hurricane Sandy. Like most homosexuals she thrives on drama and perpetual victimhood. Someone needs to guarantee her promise to donate the thousands of dollars she has received to WOunded Warriors as she promised.

  11. Hello... It was posted on a SATIRE web site!

  12. Merchant copy is left at store customer copy goes with customer. They can write anything on tha. Easy way to check would be to check the bank statement

  13. Anonymous said...
    1:42 good try jimbo.

    November 27, 2013 at 2:25 PM

    Hahaha! I was thinking the same thing. Jimbo or Cookie reading the blog again and loving on some homo articles.

  14. @7:58

    Do you have any proof of this or are just making things up because of your hateful nature?

    Oh, 1:42 here by the way, straight as an arrow, keep making assumptions and showing your bigotry.

  15. If you're going to present something as fact then back it up. Its not my job to go searching for your supposed sources, that responsibility lies with the person presenting the "facts".

  16. And there you have it folks--liberal progressive logic--not my "job" to actually look for facts -- thats right liberal progressives "jobs" are to malign and ridicule anyone who opposes their agenda. I don't give a rats butt if you don't believe this lesbian lied--liberals don't believe in the truth anyway! !!!!!!

  17. If a lesbian waitress got stiffed chances are she wasn't a lesbian after all,unless she's ACDC.

  18. @2:13, Thanks for showing the true level of your ignorance! So you want me to just believe some random person spouting off because they are homophobic? I don't think so, present your evidence or keep your mouth shut; or are you just going to resort to calling everyone a liberal that disagrees with your nonsensical comments?

    BTW No where near a liberal, I'm just not a bigot like you that lies to spread hate.

  19. 4:35
    I am not any of the above people that have commented. If you do a simple google search using her name the information is all over the place. We can't post links to show you the information it is up to you to do that. There have been several people she worked with and also friends that have said this girl uses a disaster to her benefit. She claimed she had cancer, that a boat came through her home during Sandy and now this. All of them have been lies. I don't know how much more information we can give you without you actually going out and searching for the truth.
    The family that was accused of leaving the nasty note came forward because of the threat of not being allowed back into the restaurant. They have provided their receipt and also a credit card statement of how much they were charged which included an $18 dollar tip. So now there is the proof. Will you now shut the hell up!

  20. @4:53, Finally a commenter who is actually willing to put the effort in to backing up their claims. Yes, I know links are not allowed to be posted, which is a shame. I will shut the hell up now, just wanted to see if anyone on here actually tries to back up what they say or if they are just full of hot air.

  21. 9:45 you are a completely illogical idiotic hypocrite. You are a shining example of the complete lack of intellect and critical thinking shown by liberal progressives .Do us all a favor and keep your promise to shut the hell up.


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