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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Railroad Jack's Photos from 1950's

Grab a cup or glass of your favorite beverage and ENJOY.

Railroad Jack's Photos from 1950's
In the still of the night 1957...If you remember the 1950's, you're gonna' love these photographs!
Lots of nice memories here. On the link below you will find several pages of these old-time photos.
Click the next page number at the bottom of each set of pictures to go on to the next set.
Note: If you "mouse-over" each picture a short description will pop up.
At least you can show your “Grand KIDs” what it was like back in “the good ole days.”


  1. LOL those weren't the "good ol days" for alot of us

  2. Family moved down from up north in the 80's. Noticed the "other" entrance at English's....in 1985. Stay behind, Shorebillies!

  3. What a nice trip down memory lane, remember it all so well.

  4. thanks for the GREAT memories...

  5. Keep those picture finds coming and Merry Christmas Joe!

  6. Bridge goes both ways, 3:24. Feel free to hit the road.

  7. 948-My family and I did years ago. How's the shore now? No jobs, lots of crime, and those spectacularly high cancer rates...I hope you enjoy it!

  8. While I'm all for being nostalgic, I don't think there were any "good ole days"... it's all perspective.

    My experience has been life keeps getting better... all the time. I'd hate to think there would ever be a "peak"

  9. Just like any other time in history there were good times and bad.


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