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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Public To Weigh In On Proposed Wicomico Raises

SALISBURY – The Wicomico County Council voted to forward compensation increases for the county’s executive, council and sheriff’s position toward legislation to provide the opportunity for public input.

On Tuesday morning, the Wicomico County Council discussed the direction of compensation enhancements that were recommended to them last month by the Wicomico County Compensation and Allowance Commission.

The commission met three times during the summer and fall of 2013 to prepare recommendations regarding the compensation of the county executive, sheriff, council president, council vice president and council members. A few weeks ago, the commission presented a report that reflected significant disparities in a couple of the county official positions and seeks deep consideration for pay increases.


  1. They can have whatever they are willing to cut from the budget elsewhere! This needs to remain revenue neutral!

    Everyone else is doing with less - and we've already seen tax increases.

  2. How about this...

    Let's give them 30% of the cost savings that they create for the county taxpayers.

    And none of this "cutting" future projections to count as savings, either. I'm talking a reduction in spending from the last year.

  3. To anyone on here who thinks the County Council should not get an increase to their stipend I ask you. How many of you will work full time hours for $16,000. Please tell us who and then please sign your name.

    1. Did you see the board of ed salaries do you see what assistants salaries are!!!! Full time at 14000

  4. Matt Holloway must be a coward for not voting yay or nay on this issue. A public hearing? Why waste everyone's time. How much is this decision going to cost tax payers?

  5. rick's increase is astonishing. he has done NOTHING to bring more jobs to the county and NOTHING to really balance the budget and remain revenue neutral.

    MANY of us have had to take cuts in pay and hours in order to continue working and many have simply lost their job.

    in addition; very little has been done to STOP the regulations coming down from the state (originating in the U.N. and now federal level). these regs are costing us a fortune (EPA and other tree hugger agencies) and hamstringing all businesses. the small businesses (many closing or closed) are especially hurt.

    no; we don't need increased salaries at this time...

  6. Joe Holloway is the only one on the
    Council with any Good commom sense!

    Rediculious to get pay raises in times like we have now!! They're
    bringing no more revenue into the County-----and they just keep taxing
    the County to death!

  7. 1:38 did they know the pay scale before running for office?

  8. Councilman Joe Holloway spoke with wisdom on this issue as he does on many. Most of the council has turned into liberal idiots. Get a grip council most of us are working harder for less.

  9. They also don't enforce the illegal alien problem, these aliens are getting tax breaks and living assistance to be here illegally and taking jobs from an already burdened work force.

    Last year was the first time in my life I needed to apply for EBT, the people in front of me were illegals, a mother that couldn't speak English, with her 14 year old daughter who was holding her new baby.

    The working class has been reamed by providing assistance to people who don't belong here or who just don't want to work. Period.

  10. Why should the highest paid people get a raise?I can see someone making 16,000.

  11. Rick needs to go to Newberry,SC and find out how a town of 15,000 has 12 manufacturing plants not Taiwan.

  12. How did Bob Culver vote on this absurdity?

  13. This council and executive don't deserve any pay raise. All they do is meet in secret and decide like a pace of wolves to stick together and then raise taxes on people not caring one bit about how people are struggling to get by.

    Pollitt hasn't done anything to really help the economy. Using the excuse he went abroad to trade business cards...PLEASE...what a farce. It was a mini vacation on our backs and nothing else. He is too busy kissing butt with the legislatures to do anything of true value.

    Notice how the governor's and his pack of rats voted to increase their salary, now the city and county want a piece of the pie.

    How about this, get more revenue in here that is sustainable, cut taxes and STOP TAXING TO PROSPERITY it doesn't work.

    All of these clowns are rushing this county and city into going belly up. They will go on with their endless speeches and steal whatever is left over.

    Someone who won't vote yea or nay can't be trusted. He is trying to see which way the wind is blowing and getting his marching orders from Pollitt.

    If we could put them all in a boat and send them out to sea, we, the taxpayers, would be better off.

  14. First of all, these pay raises have nothing to do with the current office holders. They would be for whomever you idiots vote in next. I bet an increase would result in more qualified candidates actually running for the jobs.

  15. 16000 is a gift ..most elected officaials dont do it for the money you fool.they only want to influence policy to line theirs buddies their own or famlies bussiness pockets ...NO RAISE WE NEED JOBS FIRST...but the only enticements in MD IS TAXES NO WONDER WE ARE LEAVING

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    First of all, these pay raises have nothing to do with the current office holders. They would be for whomever you idiots vote in next. I bet an increase would result in more qualified candidates actually running for the jobs.

    December 20, 2013 at 7:29 PM

    There sure seem to be an awful lot of idiots on here.

  17. These rats are pumping up the salaries, then they will run again knowing full well they raised the salaries for themselves. Don't be fooled.


  18. I'd agree that council can divvy up and share whatever they cut from the Executive's current pay, which has been a complete waste of money since he was first elected.

    Prior to Lord Ricky's elevation the council, the county administrator and a secretary got the job done.

    It now takes Lord Ricky @ 80K, his administrator @ 120K, the rehired retired administrator @ ???K, the promoted secretary @ ??K and their staff to eke out the same work. Not to mention putting the lawyer on payroll and back vesting him.

    Put the brakes on this nonsense. Determine what we actually need and pay fairly but in proportion to our resources. If these characters want western shore pay, let them move there and run for office there.

  19. i have never seen so many bloated political snow job postions in my life.You might as well call the so called "BURY" lil chicago.If it were not for SSU and the fastly sinking PGH this place would be a real $%7! hole.Pollitt is a true liberal that will grin to your face and take your last dime to hand to a so called less fortunate.In addition, Joe Holloway does has the most common sense of all the council.He understands not to spend beyond your means and do not count your chickens before they hatch.

  20. Anonymous said...
    16000 is a gift ..most elected officaials dont do it for the money you fool.they only want to influence policy to line theirs buddies their own or famlies bussiness pockets ...NO RAISE WE NEED JOBS FIRST...but the only enticements in MD IS TAXES NO WONDER WE ARE LEAVING

    December 20, 2013 at 7:34 PM

    What a clueless idiot. By the way your grammar is horrible. You should have stayed in school longer.

  21. Anonymous said...
    First of all, these pay raises have nothing to do with the current office holders. They would be for whomever you idiots vote in next. I bet an increase would result in more qualified candidates actually running for the jobs.

    December 20, 2013 at 7:29 PM

    That was my point.

    1:38 PM

  22. No one ever gets a $13,000 raise. I have also heard that some county employees are allowed to work from home and still get the same pay. Look into this Mr. Joe.


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