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Sunday, December 01, 2013

Power Outages Again With Delmarva Power

Once again Delmarva Power has another large power outage. I have confirmed all of Pittsville is out of power. Delmarva Power is reporting multiple outages. 


  1. Willards Dash Inn and Ez Food store have no electric so I guess Willards is out Too!Dash Inn is running off generator right now.

  2. Elec on and off in Parsonsburg

  3. Thankfully we are on the other side of 50 in Pottsville, and under choptank electric, and still have power.

  4. May want to get rid of or do not let them put those radiation generating "smart meters" on your home. It takes a certified letter requesting in either case.

  5. Just curious-- do those areas out of power have smart meters installed yet?

  6. 4:14
    We do not have a smart meter at our house. However our friends around the corner do have them installed.

  7. The "smart meter" issue is a separate one. Obviously the concerns generated must be legitimate or the Public Service Commission would not have issued an order that allows customers to opt out of having them on thier properties, and if installed can have them removed.
    They may or may not be related to any current outages.

  8. the PSC has not made a Ruling yet as to whether they must be installed. that's the bottom line. just say NO to dumb controlling meters.

    1. I returned home from work last week to find a note in my door that they had installed the smart meter, without permission, without anyone being home...

  9. I love my smart meter , I know how to read it and can actually predict my bill weeks before.
    It's another control that the power company has to help you conserve if needed. So suck it up , we only have one power company , not very competitive.

  10. Delaware and Maryland,,,go figure.

  11. TO Anonymous said...
    I love my smart meter , I know how to read it and can actually predict my bill weeks before.
    It's another control that the power company has to help you conserve if needed. So suck it up , we only have one power company , not very competitive.

    Go ram your head in a tree, clearly you do not know the severity of the health problems you will have shortly due to those Dumb meters...

    NOT TO MENTION, its another CONTROL LOOP for the company to hold you hostage... With a flick of a stitch you have no power... NO HEAT IN WINTER AND NO AC IN SUMMER...

    Thirdly and lastly, how do you know they havn't added some electonic circuit to the meter that can display one thing but really read something else... basically what I mean is, hwo do you know there is no circuit in there scamming you...

  12. The smart meter leads to higher prices. Just wait until a variable rate scheme is put in place. The old meters just tell that electricity was used...not WHEN it was used.

    It looks like those who opt-out are going to have a surcharge of about $80 slapped on your bill, based on PSC documents. That should give a good baseline as to how much more variable rates are expected to cost consumers.

  13. As long as my electric bill remains dirt cheap I'm not complaining.When the power goes out I'll just pretend I'm on a camping trip,minus the campfire.


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