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Sunday, December 15, 2013

O'Malley Named Chairman Of Chesapeake Bay Council

WASHINGTON -- Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley has been named the chairman of the Chesapeake Executive Council.

O'Malley pledged Thursday to lead the Chesapeake Bay Program into a new era of progress.

The governor says he hopes to have a new Chesapeake Bay Watershed agreement signed. The agreement is now in its draft form. It will be the fourth of its kind. It will set a series of goals to guide restoration efforts across the watershed.


  1. Oh crap! There goes the Eastern Shore, hold on to your pants farmers and poultry people!!!

  2. OweMalley's idol re Environmental issues = Al Gore. Nuff said. Must be $$$s associated with this initiative.

  3. Oh my goodness , if it's not for the children , it's for the bay. You guys are in trouble. Any excuse to save the bay . This has been going on for 60 years now and we have spent 800,000,000 , the bay is now in worse shape than any time in history. WTF is going on.

  4. wtf? that's easy 4:39, kinda like the war on drugs or cancer. If they solve and fix all the problems then the money runs out. so they really don't want to do what it would take to fix the problem. Lets only make it look like we are trying to fix it, that way it becomes a cash cow we can milk forever!

  5. Great...more regulations. Czar OMalley will accomplish zero while making the lives on the eastern shore even worse. Why is sucession not a real discussion?

  6. 4:39 If they truly "fix" the bay, then they couldn't spend that money!! It's all about keeping the government BIG, and churning through people's money. They could give two $hits about the water, etc. MONEY.

  7. He can go pound sand!
    What a farce!
    It's not nice to fool mother nature.

  8. He did such a good job with Baltimore! And now his annointed successor wants $100M to further destroy public education!

  9. Now there will be a tax on Mountain Oysters.

  10. Give him a bag of bricks and send him to the bottom so he can get a real good look

  11. Looks like a lot of support here for OweMalley.


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