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Saturday, December 07, 2013

Obama, Dems Form 'Strike Teams' To Sell Obamacare

Hoping that the best defense is a good offense, President Obama and his supporters are exhibiting a new found bravura to reinvigorate enthusiasm for his besieged healthcare law.

Congressional Democrats, afraid of getting trounced in the upcoming 2014 midterm elections, are hoping aggressive action by the White House will help bring a resurgence of support for the troubled Affordable Care Act (ACA).

After two months of being slammed by negative press about the endless problems involving the Healthcare.gov website, the President is now pushing back and arguing that all is fixed for the “vast majority” of enrollees. “Our poor execution in the first couple months on the website clouded the fact that there are a whole bunch of people who stand to benefit,” Obama said on Tuesday at a White House event.

“Now that the website’s working for the vast majority of people, we need to make sure that folks refocus on what’s at stake here,” he added. Of course, there is a lot at stake for Americans who lost their insurance or have seen the cost of their insurance premiums soar. Many congressional jobs are at stake as well.



  1. I am so sick of seeing that name "Obama" There's so much about that person that stinks. Why are we still dealing with it? I don't read/hear any thing that non American has to say.map

  2. He is full of Shi$!!


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