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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Now That Obama Is Allowing Chicken From China, What Will That Do To The Chicken Industry?

Do you know what is in your chicken nuggets? Thanks to Barack Obama, that is going to be a more important question than ever. At the end of August, the Obama administration quietly decided to start allowing Chinese poultry processors to ship processed chicken into the United States.

For now, the meat must originate either in the United States or in another country where the poultry population has been certified to be safe. What that means is that chickens from the United States will be shipped all the way over to China, processed in plants over there, and then shipped back across the Pacific Ocean for us to eat. Only a limited number of companies are expected to take advantage of this, but according to U.S. Senator Charles Schumer, a USDA report that Congress has seen indicates that China will likely be allowed to directly import their own chickens into this country “within a year“. What makes all of this even more disturbing is that a country-of-origin label will not be required on any of the chicken that is processed in China. So in the years ahead you could be eating chicken processed in China and not even know it.

Each year, U.S. consumers spend about 70 billion dollars on chicken. That is a tremendous amount of money, and the U.S. chicken industry supports a huge number of jobs.

So what is going to happen if cheap chicken from China starts flooding the market?



  1. This Guy is a joke no wonder I am sick.

  2. Continuing to destroy America and our way of life.

  3. It's Obama's goal to transform America. You got it, to a welfare State that relies on the Government. The proper term is Socialist.

  4. I'm sure WalMart will be the best customer China has in this new market and through the use of child and slave labor they will now doubt have the LOWEST PRICES! If this goes through to the end goal of I'm sure capturing a huge percentage of the market then you can kiss the Eastern Shore goodbye, North Carolina and some other states will take significant hits as well, but none like what we will here. As I said before Walmart even opened in Salisbury the stores and their philosophy are from the pit of hell!

  5. so the Chinese will add chicken to the purchase of Smithfield farms pork processing plants/company!

  6. Crap article, no one bothered to interview either Perdue, Tyson or any of the major US supplier.

    Seems sorta stupid to freight our chicken thousands of miles round trip to be processed.

    I am not sure how this equates to cost effectiveness. Oh I forgot that wasn't the point, the point was to import china chicken.

    Good media blitz for Perdue would be 100% made in the USA.

    1. I am SURE. Ur a MISS know it all.

  7. cut the political blame game crap and focus on the real problem.

    #1 this effort has been ongoing since Bush

    #2 its the corporations that are pushing it

    #3 the best thing we can do is:
    -demand strong country of origin labeling
    -"speak" with our dollars by not buying anything with a china label on it

  8. Folks it comes down to know what you're buying and eating.

    American producers are proud to put made in America labels on products made here.

    Since the Smithfield sale to China, I'm looking elsewhere for my pork products and will look more carefully at where all of my products come from.

    That may mean a few pennies more per purchase - but my life is worth it...considering the tainted products that have recently showed up here and killed some of our children and pets.

    Another example: Cessna moved production of their new 162 Skycatcher LSA to china - it's not selling well any more and they are considering discontinuing it...would this still have happened if the "Made in USA" label was still intact on that product? We may never know....

    The chicken industry here is already having enough trouble with costs associated with our rules and regulations...that don't apply in China...they will be able to produce cheaper (not necessarily a better value in the long term) product for eventual sale here in the US.

    Is that fair? No - but evidently the government doesn't care. We as consumers must care and show it by demanding the same level of scrutiny and compliance for imported products as for local products.

    In the long run, it is up to us the purchasers. Made in USA is slowly coming back to having a great impact again - we need to keep it up!

  9. Country of origin labeling is on all Perdue chicken. Has been for almost a year.

  10. Well, hopefully the Chesapeake bay can rebound after all of these polluter chicken ranches and chicken crap farmers leave the area! Good radiance to the polluters!

  11. I don't need a country of origin label, I know my chickens comes from MY yard. No thanks Perdue or Tyson.

    And it's not solely on the government, the companies were the ones making the push, as it would be cheaper for them...adding more profit.

  12. 12:23 - Chicken growing and related agricultural activities are about the only real industries we have here on the Eastern Shore. with PRMC getting rid of folks and the remaining businesses leaving the area, there will soon be no income generating businesses remaining.

    Cranial Rectitis!

  13. 4 billion pounds worth of food items imported into America annually from china, apple juice, garlic and tilapia! enjoy eating that crap! I have to laugh every time I see tilapia on the menu. ever looked up how it's raised and what it is fed? lmao!

  14. 4 billion pounds worth of food items imported into America annually from china, apple juice, garlic and tilapia! enjoy eating that crap! I have to laugh every time I see tilapia on the menu. ever looked up how it's raised and what it is fed? lmao!

  15. Should have voted for PEROT to late now!! hows that Big sucking sound working for ya.!!..bush clinton bush and obama.been tag teaming us for decades..better wake up folks

  16. No eat "processed meat". Eat whore chicken, take home cut up, store in mear size freezer bags tir dinner.


  17. The big companies like Perdue and Tyson are behind this from what I understand. Many years ago it was in the news that Perdue was opening a processing plant in Shanghai, so this has been in the works for awhile now.

  18. It's all in what the "official" USDA sanctioned definition of "processing" means.

    Perdue official statement in part reads-"are from chickens born, raised and harvested in the United States. Processing, further processing and cooking are done only at USDA inspected facilities in the United States"

    What's missing is the explicit guarantee that the chickens do not ever leave US soil, which leaves no room for confusion or doubt.
    It's like the arsenic law passed in MD. The law bans arsenic in chicken feed. Companies feigned outrage to appease the public only. Law means nothing. Arsenic is available in other forms including liquid. Can just be administered to animals in other ways. Don't be fooled.
    Best bet is to not buy the crap and crap it is.

  19. Chick-a-dee China, the Chinese chicken

    You have a drumstick and your brain stops tickin

  20. Just dont buy chinese chicken duh

  21. I won't buy any baby or dog products to eat that are made in China.
    I will stick with what I Know is good & that's our local people here--Perdue!

  22. The same Perdue that opened up a processing plant in Shanghai years back as 7:49 AM mentioned?

    Keep kidding yourself.


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