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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Not To Spoil It But WBOC Is Loaded With Special News Tonight

Let's see, we can start off in Texas where a stray dog who had been living at a corporate building was adopted by one of the people working there. It then got out and wandered 18 miles back to the corporate building.

Then, get this, they showed incredible footage of a coyote running on an airport runway in Texas too. Very exciting.

Calm down now because there's a lot more. In Washington state someone actually opened up a gym for animals AND their owners. They said it was to help work off the winter blues. 

At a Chicago Airport, (you are not going to believe this) they opened up a Yoga Room in the freakin airport. I know, NO WAY! 

How about an 88 year old woman in North Carolina is still hunting.

To top off all of that news they closed with the following two items. Don't forget to download, (its actually UPLOAD WBOC) their new weather app. They seem to be well behind last year with Bless Our Children so they really want you to donate more money to the 400 charities WBOC elects to spread your money to, because YOU can't seem to be able to do it yourself. 

That's it Folks. That was the WBOC broadcast tonight. For ANY local news do come to Salisbury News. They should rename the station AMERICA'S NEWS LEADER because they didn't, (and usually don't) cover DelMarVa at all.


  1. and why in the hell do those WBOC weather dudes abbreviate the word weather with "WX" and not WR???!!! there ain't no X in weather mr.satterfield!!! but he seems like a nice guy even if he spells at a 1st grade level.

  2. Joe Carmean is their assignment editor. What do you expect?

  3. Have you ever noticed how they run their own commercials during the broadcast. That's because they couldn't sell the spot. Sit back Joe. They are falling apart just like the Daily Times.

  4. Wow! Kenny Tarmac has been busy getting these stories!

  5. The 6 pm show was much better then the 5 pm show. I did crack up when they went to put a banner at the bottom of the screen and it said WOBC instead of WBOC.


  7. Joe, I liked the idea a previous poster made about you starting your own news broadcast station. That would be a great idea.

    For local news, and interest stories, as well as national news, I like your site. It is also interesting reading other people's comments and thoughts.

    You have a great product and it is well done. Many thanks for your service.


  8. You forgot today's incredibly long segments about the weather we DIDN'T get over the past few days.
    I gotta say this, tho': That morning girl is a babe. Dumb as a nail...but still a babe.

  9. Don't watch, but I might in 2019.


  11. Its starts at the top, who ever the GM is needs to go and then hire someone that cares about local news, we can watch national news on CBS right after the local news.

  12. WBOC--wake up--most local people would like to hear local news. Not some story that happened in Montana, etc. Send your reporters out and get real local news. Stop having the anchor person say what the weather is going to be (it'g going to be cold today)before the weather man comes on with his spot.

  13. anonymous 8:59, might I add. PLEASE stop reading the temp in every area on your map. WE CAN READ!!!!! That goes for WMDT too.

  14. I have been telling my wife this for years, if you take the 24 or so minutes they are on in a typical evening, I bet only 2 - 3 minutes of actual news is delivered. The rest of the time is fill in time because they have no real leadership in what to put on the air.

  15. I can watch cable if I want global news,I want local news!Maybe they cant find investigative reporters around here because as Joe shows,there is plenty going on!

  16. Salisbury News tries to present a vast variety of news and information that we feel relates, (or could relate) to our way of life here on the Shore.

    Showing a Coyote running down a runway in Texas, come on now. They actually pay these people a LOT of money to run WBOC and this is what you get?

    We scan hundreds of news outlets each and every day. Some news you can immediately relate with and some you just go right past it. This is why we provide articles from at least 8 AM to midnight each and every day. It's the variety that keeps people coming back.

    As for local news. If something is breaking, well, 99.9% of the time we're right on it. WBOC, WMDT and the DT's all have feeds into Salisbury News and follow everything we do on a daily basis. They pick and choose what they feel the public seems to like and do their own version of what we provide. In somce cases it has to do with how many comments we get on an article.

    Now, there are some cases, (as examples) where WMDT gets inside information from the Mayor's Office. In other cases, WBOC gets inside information from the Sheriff's Office. As shown in today's article, the DT's is now upset because they used to get inside information from the County Executives Office but that has now dried up.

    I personally don't care about who gets what because we have YOU. From bus drivers, to cabs, to public works people to police officers and firefighters, we have things so well covered throughout this community, we do not need the inside scoop from department heads.

    The days of my having to spend the entire day driving around are over. If there's an accident, our viewers get us the information and images in real time.

    We have shown the rest of the MSM where we stand hit wise and believe me when I tell you, each and every one of you will be absolutely FLOORED when we publish our numbers at the end of the year. Let me say this as well. IF we lie about these numbers, we have advertisers and I could very easily be sued for fudging the numbers. So when I do publish them you will know for sure they are 100% accurate and real.

    That being said, WBOC, WMDT and the DT's are NOTHING any more on the Shore, NOTHING! We're not on Twitter and Facebook BEGGING for people to come read our articles or scamming them into visiting our Site.

    Our numbers are REAL. they are EARNED.

    Oh, let me say this as well. I have been criticized by the best out there saying what we deliver every day will never work. Those nay sayers who have been shown our hits take back their criticism because I was right, they were wrong.

    I'm VERY confident once WBOC, WMDT and the DT's see our numbers for they will immediately start copying what I've been doing more regularly because THEY cannot keep up any more.

  17. But on the other hand,is'nt no news good news? If all hell was breaking loose locally,would'nt you all blame local law enforcement and local leaders? If any of you are aware of any major crime sprees or local newsworthy events you should report such.If not just be happy that local issues are currently calm.

  18. Why did WBOC add more news times 4pm, 6pm,7pm Really? They are like Reading robots when they are on, I would rather see Dr.Oz then more news one time in the evening is enough especially when they repeat everything they said on the last broadcast. I watch WMDT because they are not robots, and I don't hear about bless our Children for 10 min each broadcast.

  19. But, I do like the weathermen and sports men !!


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