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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Non-Citizens Caught Voting In 2012 Presidential Election In Key Swing State

Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted announced Wednesday that his office found 17 non-citizens illegally cast ballots in the 2012 presidential election -- and has referred the case for possible prosecution.

The alleged crime would be a notable case of voter fraud in a key swing state. By law, only American citizens are allowed the privilege of casting ballots for the nation's leaders.

Ohio officials say that did not stop some from getting around the system.

"I have a responsibility to uphold election law, and under both federal and state law you must be a citizen to vote," said Husted, a Republican who has aggressively tried to investigate voter fraud cases in his state.

Husted also found that 274 non-citizens remain on the voting rolls.



  1. no of course there is no voter fraud...

  2. And that, DelMarVa, is the reason why we have a traitorous POS in the WH. Just imagine what they'll be able to do when we get 10 or 20 million illegals on welfare and entitlements showing up to vote. I'm beyond puking, I'm dry heaving at what I see happening to our once great nation.

  3. Where is that goof who keeps saying "PROVE voter fraud is occurring"?


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