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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New York Investigators Obtain Fraudulent Ballots 97 Percent Of Time

New York City’s Department of Investigation (DOI) has just shown how easy it is to commit voter fraud that is almost undetectable. Its undercover agents were able to obtain ballots for city elections a total of 61 times — 39 times using the names of dead people, 14 times using the names of incarcerated felons, and eight times using the names of non-residents. On only two occasions, or about 3 percent of the time, were the agents stopped by polling-place officials. In one of the two cases, an investigator was stopped only because the felon he was trying to vote in the name of was the son of the election official he was dealing with.

Ballot security in checking birth dates or signatures was so sloppy that young undercover agents were able to vote using the name of someone three times their age who had died. As the New York Post reports: “A 24-year female was able to access the ballot at a Manhattan poll site in November under the name of a deceased female who was born in 1923 and died in April 25, 2012 — and would have been 89 on Election Day.” All of the agents who got ballots wrote in the names of fictitious candidates so as not to actually influence election outcomes.



  1. So whats gonna be done about it ...it very evident the marxist progressive are using the democratic party and is behind this theft of our nation via corrupt polls..
    Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.
    Joseph Stalin

  2. I'm right behind you, 4:37. When and how does this get fixed? Or, do we honorable Americans have to turn to the other side to get our candidate in?

    I would hope not...

  3. Nothing to see here, folks. Just move along to the booths to your left.


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