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Monday, December 02, 2013

Message To Police


  1. Quit passing stupid laws that cops have to enforce! Simple.

  2. I took an oath - Every lawman took an oath to support and defend the Constitution - Only those lawmen with integrity and honor and courage will refuse to obey orders contrary to the Constitution.

  3. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Quit passing stupid laws that cops have to enforce! Simple.

    December 2, 2013 at 9:26 AM

    If cops have integrity, honor and courage, like Mr. Tilghman pointed out, they won't enforce them. Stupid or not. Now THAT'S simple.

  4. Now this is just my opinion. I have often wondered exactly what this lady had said, where does law enforcement draw the line. another question just as important is where do the citizens draw the line. I feel when the cops start actin outside the rule of law , the citizens will not be far to follow. I feel the cops need to remember they are citizens,their family members are citizens , their neighbors are citizens, the oath is to uphold the Constitution and not the dictator , our founding fathers were very wise and they knew exactly what they were doing .

  5. Defend the Constitution, Yes. Uphold stupid Obama laws, No.


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