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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Maryland Will Administer Over $96M In U.S. Grants To Develop Common Core Tests

Maryland is taking on a significant fiscal role in developing the tests that will assess students based on Common Core curriculum standards, agreeing to administer $96 million in federal grants to create the tests.

The Board of Public Works approved the contract for the State Department of Education to administer the U.S. grant. Gov. Martin O’Malley said the contract was being done at the request of U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan, after Florida decided to stop overseeing the funding.

The tests are being developed for 18 states and the District of Columbia as part of the implementation of new college and career readiness standards usually referred to as Common Core.


  1. Can you say indoctrination.

  2. Hitler would be proud that someone is following his lead and tactics.

  3. Repent you all...they Worship the Creature instead of the CreatorDecember 19, 2013 at 4:26 PM

    All hail the god of this world Satan

  4. Call your reps now stop this madness school vouchers now

  5. Why in the world would we have to cough up a hundred million dollars to "invent" the tests for a system which was supposed to be a package deal, complete with lesson plans, agendas, and tests to make a package?

    Please, Martin, come on here and explain...

  6. propaganda, indocrination, incarceration, incineration of the non compliant - fundamental change of the U.S.

  7. Pearson is laughing all the way to the bank.... One of the highest corporate donations to obama's campaign.

    Whatever happened to local education?

  8. Is that Kay Gibson?


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