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Sunday, December 08, 2013

Just In - Wicomico County Unemployment (Labor Force) Continues To Deteriorate - September, October US Bureau of Labor Statistics Shows September 2013 Job Losses - 1,350 Fewer Jobs Verses September 2012, And October 2013 Job Loses - 1,234 Verses October 2012

Wicomico County's Labor Force Numbers were released by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics this afternoon - and it shows that Wicomico County continues to experience dramatic decreases in its workforce when compared to previous years.  In fact, for the last (5) months beginning in June 2013 - Wicomico has recorded its largest monthly job losses ever - (June 2013, -1602 less jobs), (July 2013, -1837 less jobs), (August 2013 - 1652 less jobs), September 2013 - 1350 less jobs), and (October 2013 - 1234 less jobs).

Today, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics released the monthly results for September and October together because of the recent government shutdown.  Ordinarily the US BLS releases on a month by month basis but because of the shutdown - they delayed the release until this morning.

The latest jobs report does not bode well for ones who might be looking for work.  Especially, for the graduating high school and college graduates that are streaming out of the 'system' on an annual basis.  On a positive note - the diminishing local economy should have an impact on our own local elections as each candidate tries to assert his or her economic vision for our future.
Labor Force Data By County, Not Seasonally Adjusted 
02-2011 through 10-2013
Source:  Bureau of Labor Statistics
Unemploy. Change over prior 
County Period Labor Force Employed Unemployed Rate % year 2011 
Wicomico 11-Feb 52506 47333 5173 9.9
Wicomico 11-Mar 53116 48391 4725 8.9
Wicomico 11-Apr 52961 48485 4476 8.5
Wicomico 11-May 53444 48877 4567 8.5
Wicomico 11-Jun 53825 48951 4874 9.1
Wicomico 11-Jul 54139 49273 4866 9
Wicomico 11-Aug 53423 48706 4717 8.8
Wicomico 11-Sep 53821 49172 4649 8.6
Wicomico 11-Oct 53384 48809 4575 8.6
Wicomico 11-Nov 53153 48516 4637 8.7
Wicomico 11-Dec 53213 48619 4594 8.6
Wicomico 12-Jan 51246 46321 4925 9.6
Wicomico 12-Feb 52605 47554 5051 9.6 99
Wicomico 12-Mar 53073 48351 4722 8.9 -43
Wicomico 12-Apr 52786 48389 4397 8.3 -175
Wicomico 12-May 53494 49094 4400 8.2 50
Wicomico 12-Jun 54197 49525 4672 8.6 372
Wicomico 12-Jul 54801 50161 4640 8.5 662
Wicomico 12-Aug 53707 49299 4408 8.2 284
Wicomico 12-Sep 53285 49118 4167 7.8 -536
Wicomico 12-Oct 52867 48580 4287 8.1 -517
Wicomico 12-Nov 52796 48411 4385 8.3 -357
Wicomico 12-Dec 53234 48608 4626 8.7 21
Wicomico 13-Jan 51189 46296 4893 9.6 -57
Wicomico 13-Feb 51438 46764 4674 9.1 -1167
Wicomico 13-Mar 52101 47607 4494 8.6 -972
Wicomico 13-Apr 51713 47508 4205 8.1 -1073
Wicomico 13-May 52672 48290 4382 8.3 -822
Wicomico 13-Jun 52595 47842 4753 9 -1602
Wicomico 13-Jul 52964 48588 4376 8.3 -1837
Wicomico 13-Aug 52055 48034 4021 7.7 -1652 r
Wicomico 13-Sep 51935 48103 3832 7.4 -1350
Wicomico 13-Oct 51633 47599 4034 7.80% -1234 p
-11906 less 
p = preliminary. SOURCE:  BLS, LAUS workforce
r = revised 5-Dec-13
Article by Beezer - SBYnews Contributor 



  1. We are LEADIN' THE PACK on this, Baby! YYESSSSSS!!!!!!! We are gonna win this if it takes another three years!!!!

    GOOOO, Wicomico!

  2. This picture is unsustainable. I hear Sean Hannity and other FOX news officials talking about this. I heard Herman Cain speaking about it today.

  3. I noticed that the unemployment rate is also starting to escalate again.

  4. Is this what our current slate of executive officials call PROGRESS?

    I think not.

  5. Pollitt is proposing another 8 cent tax hike next year. This will mean more people out of work.

  6. Tax and spend is all the lawmakers know.

  7. Responding to 4:26 Posting - regarding 8 cent tax increase.

    He has to - as they are out of options. With negative growth there is no way out except to borrow more money.

  8. This is not a good indicator. In fact - scanning over the data I do not even see a glimmer of hope.

  9. It's easy to see, just wait in line at Wal-Mart and you can soon tell what most are paying with.

  10. I swear - this has got to be the best source of eastern shore news on the entire Peninsula. Who are you guys?

  11. I truly hope ALL of you understand how important these Posts are from Beezer.

    It is absolutely time each citizen get off their ass and vote.

    It's time to bring in new leadership.

    It's time the Eastern Shore realize how UNIQUE this area is when it comes to jobs and industry.

    NO ONE is going to just relocate here. It's a 20 to 30 year project. The Shore has to start off by creating an exact vision of the kind of manufacturing and industrial jobs that would excel here.

    We do not have a major airport and that in itself is a major issue.

    Many want to pretty up the Downtown area with feel good small shops and so forth. That's fine and dandy but it will not deliver jobs that will pay mortgages and support families.

    This area is prime for a massive water park, theme parks, clean rooms, stem cell research, things of that nature.

    O'Malley, Ireton and Pollitt would rather bring in gambling and steal even more money from the poor.

    I'm going to take these upcoming elections very seriously. I'm going to demand the next County Executive chew the ear off the next Governor. The state takes enough money from Worcester County, it's high time we get some well deserved RESPECT for what we provide and sacrifice every time major events disrupt out quiet way of normal life.

    Its time citizens wake up and stop depending on the FROM HERE'S. Besides, HOW'S IT WORKING FOR YOU over the past 50 years????

  12. And Pollitt and Lewis want $10.000.00 a year plus raises.

  13. Run for county Exec Joe. We neeeed you!

  14. hey anon 4;31pm
    no other options, how about cutting spending through better management ,you sound like just a liberal NO OTHER OPTIONS BUT TO RAISE TAXES WOW

  15. Min wage hike would be the final straw....biggest job killer and prices will increase on everything ....democrats are stupid..vote every one of them out...

  16. O'Malleys numbers are different. Just ask him. We have created jobs every time O'Malley opens his mouth. Just like Obama never met his uncle. If they are democrats, they are liars.

  17. The unemployment rate is much higher than this. Ive been out of work for a year now and my unemployment ran out a long time ago. There are so many people the same boat. We arent included in these figures. Just ask someone who posts a job about how many people apply. At least 50-100 for every job

  18. At this point, each and every one of us should get on bended knee and pray and ask the good Lord to help us and watch over all of us.

  19. Lets hope that Bob Culver is the next County Exec. and that Matt Holloway and John Hall -- two RINO's -- are defeated in next year's election.

  20. 6:13,right on brother!

  21. At least y'all won't have to worry about come heres>>>>

  22. To 6:13 - Excellent Point!

    So many lies emanating out of the Democratic platform - and people are following this party like the Pied Piper. And then we have the Republicans - many who are acting like Democrats and then pouncing on the Tea-party group. Don't people realize that our Country has now lost all of its manufacturing base! O'Malley had his hand in this economic mess to. Look at the tag fees, bridge fee increases, real estate tax increases, fuel taxes, sales taxes, heck we are now just like Greece.

    And as for Wicomico officials - they have help to make this bed by not bringing in any new businesses. I don't think the average person realizes that it would take over 23 Dresser/Halliburton Industries at (600) employees each to make-up for the lost workforce.

    Now that is scary! And as far as PGH is concerned - I was there last night and it looks like a ghost town. There was no one in the halls and the facility is virtually vacant.

    Our local economy is a train wreck.

  23. To 6:25 - I could not agree with you more. M Holloway and J Hall certainly seem more inclined to lean towards the left than the right. IMHO I believe they have lost their bearing.

  24. the only thing coming here is gang bangers thugs and drugs! plenty of opportunity for those careers!

  25. This is a very scary looking economic picture. Especially if one takes into account that Wicomico's population is still increasing. Let's pray that our officials will realize that this 'ship is taking on water' quickly.

  26. Didn't congress win the majority by saying jobs, jobs, jobs. They said they could make a difference, where is it?

  27. Responding to 4:36 Posting - Who are you guys?

    Answer - Some have referred to our reporting staff as the 'DIRTY DOZEN' - others have referred to our reporting staff as the 'MIRACULOUS 7'

    I guess it all depends on which side of the table you are on. One thing I would like to say, as far our reporting goes - I know that we always strive to report the news as opposed to trying make-up the news.

    I truly thank SBYnews for having such a platform to help keep the people informed. 'Knowledge is Power' and it truly helps to keep things in 'check'. Then - the people can decide based on the empirical evidence.

  28. Your principal residence is again DE - so you cannot vote in MD Joe.

  29. Think about it,without SBY News,we wouldnt know a thing around here because the Daily Times and newscasts only reflect what they feel you should know which most is BS.

  30. I relocated to the eastern shore nearly twenty years ago and have watched the locals here point fingers, cry and complain, and do nothing. You people can't or won't see the big picture. I have recently relocated to Florida and the difference is stunning. The people here work for solutions constantly. The area is growing fast and companies are flocking.... Hertz will bring 1000 jobs to our new town, and the area works tirelessly to bring more companies and jobs. People here don't whine.... They look for solutions to make things better. Wake up Delmarva or there won't be one eventually.

  31. The unemployment rate is going down - but at the same time the workforce participation IS DROPPING FASTER THAN THE UNEMPLOYMENT RATE. In other words it makes no sense to have the unemployment rate drop while simultaneously experiencing the workforce participation rate dropping faster than the unemployment rate. It is system destined for failure.

    I do not think the people realize what is actually happening. The real number that the average Joe Blow should be concerned with is the workforce participation number. Thus our country has NO JOB GROWTH!

    Great investigative work BEEZER.

  32. And all this is happening while our Governor is AWOL(Brazil, Spain, Israel, Taiwan).

    We have some really great leaders - (leading from the rear).

  33. Obama should have dropped the Health care and focused on job growth.

    Everything else doesn't really matter because there is not enough job generation.

  34. 10:34 pm You are spot on. People around here just want to point fingers and do nothing but dog elected officials. Government does not create jobs. The private sector does.

  35. Let's face it - our economy is in the doldrums. The only jobs are hamburger flipping and/or convience stores. They start out at about 8 bucks an hour and we all know that unemployment pays more. So you do the math - do we stay home or work.

  36. My independance card allows me to even buy tires. Why should I go to work when I can get 99 weeks of unempl. and now they are going to extend another 52. That is 151 weeks of free mooli and I can still go out and cut grass and free lance.

  37. Why do you the crime rate is so high.

  38. Someonenwasnsleeping during math class. The figures show a slight improvement since feb 2011.

  39. The easiest way to lower the unemployment rate (except falsifying information) is to give more people gov't handouts, then fewer people are unemployed because they are not looking for a job. Why work when everything is free???

  40. 11:01 - You are just to funny, but unfortunately there is a lot of truth in your assessment as for not working. There is more incentive not to work than there is to work.
    There lies the true problem.

  41. 6:34 - How you figure. If you index the population increase our economy is going _ss backwards. Take a look at the overall workforce numbers - our county should be in the neighborhood of 60,000. Anyone worth their salt can see it.


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