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Sunday, December 01, 2013


Despite President Obama’s announcement on Saturday night that he had achieved a “first step” in preventing the nuclear armament of Iran, both Iran and Israel acknowledged that Obama’s negotiated agreement was, in fact, a huge win for the Iranian regime.

According to the BBC, Iranian diplomat Mohammad Zarif triumphantly announced that the deal does include language that guarantees Iran the right to enrich fissile material. President Obama did not explicitly admit that fact, and reports state that the agreement may actually paper over that vital point. Practically speaking, however, the deal allows Iran to move forward with its program with stealth, while preventing Israel from doing anything about Iran’s facilities.



  1. Its startin you all better be ready. ISRAEL IS RIGHT..we are on the wrong side here

  2. You can't fix STUPID, and our country is being "led" by the king of it! God help us. People are finally beginning to realize the mistake they made by voting him back into office.

  3. The apology tour continues...

  4. Israel start LAUNCHING MISSILES, Screw Oscama.

  5. Keep your friends close.... but keep your enemies closer

  6. Yeah because isreal sooooo has our best interest in mind. Any of you clowns actually read the text of the agreement before you formed an opinion?

  7. 200 keep drinking that oscama cool aid FOOL.

  8. 2:00 I did, and we got hosed in the deal. So they get more inspections? Like they can't go underground. Do you really expect that 3rd world, hostile, country to stop its efforts to become a nuclear nation? We gifted them billions in income, and got nothing in return. They will still be nuclear, if they aren't already.

  9. Anonymous said...
    Yeah because isreal sooooo has our best interest in mind. Any of you clowns actually read the text of the agreement before you formed an opinion?

    November 25, 2013 at 2:00 AM

    You are as dumb as a Thanksgiving Turkey and I am sure you would do anything your Messiah tells you to do.

  10. Obozo the brown clown and his dufus Secretary of State have effectively started WWIII.

  11. Don't be fooled. Israel will put the hammer down on these people. And won't ask, or tell, Obama anything until AFTER its over, because they are afraid Obama will warn Iran. And he would.

  12. 3:30 - The sooner, the better.


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