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Thursday, December 19, 2013

ICE ERO Deports Former Maryland Nursing Assistant Convicted Of Sexually Assaulting Patient

BALTIMORE – A Haitian national residing in Salisbury, Md., convicted of multiple sexual assaults including that of a patient under his care, was turned over to Haitian law enforcement representatives Tuesday by officers from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO).

Joel Monfort, 53, was transported via an ICE Air Operations charter aircraft, escorted by ERO officers, to the Port-au-Prince International Airport in Haiti.

Monfort’s removal to Haiti comes less than a month after his arrest by ERO Baltimore under Salisbury’s Criminal Alien Program. Monfort, who entered the country illegally, attempted to gain immigration status in 1996 with a fraudulent marriage. However, on March 20, 2000, his conditional lawful permanent residency status was terminated and he was placed in removal proceedings. He failed to appear for a removal hearing July 5, 2000, in Newark, N.J., and was ordered removed in absentia by an immigration judge.

On Sept. 28, 2001, Monfort was convicted of second-degree assault and sex offense in Salisbury and was sentenced to 12 months in prison. On Feb. 13, 2004 he was again convicted of second-degree assault and sentenced to 10 years in prison This time Monfort was found guilty of sexually assaulting a motorcycle accident victim, who he was caring for as a nursing assistant at Salisbury’s Peninsula Regional Medical Center.


  1. So, PRMC hires illegals with assault and sex offense records. Hope the victim sued them.

  2. Why is PRMC not doing background checks on everyone they hire? I, too, hope the victim sues them. If they only had done a background check they would have known right away and would they still have hired him? Who knows.

  3. PRMC needs to hire two more supervisors to make sure this doesn't happen again.
    The new parking fee for employees will pay for the salaries.

  4. Hope I NEVER have to go to PRMC

  5. 8:13
    New parking fee for employees?
    Can you elaborate?
    You have to pay to park blocks away in a insufficiently lit gravel parking lot?

  6. only took 10 years! good thing he wasn't related to obmmmer. They ought to let his victim castrate him before sending him off! would never get rid of him!

  7. i wonder how long it will take him to come back here illegally again

  8. Good riddance!!!!Too many Haitians in Salisbury already! Try living near them-filthy as hell.

  9. Sooo - The non-profit hospital in Salisbury is sooo poor financially they have to charge the employees a fee to go to work and park. Basically most employees have to pay them to drive to work or risk becoming a patient...Salisbury has gotten so sad...and I use to be proud to say I was from there, now I am ahamed to say I was born there!!


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