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Thursday, December 12, 2013

Health Bill Exempts Volunteers, Just In Case

A bipartisan group of U.S. senators took steps Wednesday to protect volunteer fire and rescue workers from a problem that might not even exist.

Democratic Sen. Mark Warner and others introduced a bill that keeps cities and towns from having to provide health care for volunteer emergency workers, a cost that would drive most rural volunteer fire houses out of business.

There's no indication they need to provide the service, but reports in recent weeks by Fox News, other media outlets and opponents of the Affordable Care Act created a frenzy that sparked fear and prompted both houses of Congress to introduce measures Wednesday.


1 comment:

  1. Now, can we get Congress to show some concern for the OTHER people they are screwing? You know, the ones who are finding out that the "affordable" care they cheered for is going to be a $5-15,000 deductible and hundreds of dollars more than they were paying before?? Or was that the plan all along?


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