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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Gotta Love This

Even if you are the most powerful man in the world… if the wife says switch seats, you switch your seat…!!


  1. gotta split up the children in order for them to behave.

  2. Hey mooch butt, no one wants your skinny arse hubby. Er, except the countries that have warrants against him maybe.

  3. I'd argue about him being the most powerful man in the world. Not positive he's a man. ;)

  4. Gotta love Mrs.Os face,it says I have had enough of this school girl BS.

  5. Now we're really sure who the boss is.

  6. Some website ran a caption contest. The winning caption was:

    "Michelle Obama knew her campaign against obesity was doomed to fail when her husband reached for the Danish."

    Now that's funny.

  7. 1049 the only children here are the buffoons that continue to make hay over this while ignoring the real issues.

  8. I see Susan Rice behind the Obama's, I understand that she is in the state department and has some reason to be there, why is Eric Holder there? Just another paid holiday?

    It is time to take our country back.

  9. @7:44
    The person who is rumored to be in charge of the real issues is captured for all time and for all the world being the buffoon he is and has been.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    1049 the only children here are the buffoons that continue to make hay over this while ignoring the real issues.

    December 17, 2013 at 7:44 AM

    Meaning only the issues you care about, right?

  11. Sorry 7:49, but I think the fact that the president of the US is an incompetent jackass is a 'real issue'.


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