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Sunday, December 15, 2013

‘Duck Dynasty’ Star: They Told Us We Couldn’t Pray To Jesus Because It Would Offend Muslims

While I don’t think we should deliberately try to offend people of different religions, if they find the very fact that you are a member of another faith to be offensive, then that seems like it should be their problem, not yours.

Phil Robertson, the patriarch of AMC’s mega-hit show “Duck Dynasty”, said recently the family was told to quit praying to Jesus because it might offend Muslims.

Robertson told Sports Spectrum:

So when we pray we say “In Jesus name, Amen.” …It’s a very good idea, I think. So, they would have me say, “Thank you Lord for the food. Thank you for the blessings. Amen.” So, I said, “Why would you cut out ‘in Jesus name?’” And they said, “Well, these editors they think they don’t want to offend some Muslims or something.”



  1. if offended ... hit the road jack

  2. This is because Democrats watering down our Christian American way of life and who should be arrested for treason against our constitution. Do Muslims stop praying around Christian areas No they just blow up the church and slaughter Christians...Screw thin go back to your rat hole of a country.

  3. Simple solution to the problem if you find it offensive change the channel! I find it offensive to watch queers on TV but they are on every channel

  4. the duck dynasty boys won't have to worry about it for very long. their 15 minutes is almost over and their crappy merchandise ain't selling!

    but i do agree with them on this particular point

  5. Do you think Muslims really watch Duck Dynasty?

  6. I am not a Christian but I faithfully watch Duck Dynasty and love the show. I am in no way offended by them praying to Jesus Christ just as I would hope they are not offended that I pray to my own God and Goddesses.

  7. Why do we let others dictate what is done on every channel. We are beat over the head with what Muslims, black people, athiests, and skin heads think. When did all Christians rights end, we don't worry because we live and let live, why can't every race, and religious group respect us as well.

  8. Muslims don't believe in Jesus so how can something they don't believe in offend them?
    Im offended that they have a prophet that married a child.

  9. Them praying is one of the things I truly like about duck dynasty. They truly believe and so do I. its a show my boy and I watched together and we truly enjoy it, it's nice to see something good on TV for a change .

  10. Duck Dynasty makes me ,Happy,Happy,Happy.

  11. I think we shouldn't cave in and give away all our rights. Muslims want to flock into this country because they want the money, the benefits, the freedoms. This is America. This isn't a muslim America. It is America-a free America. Muslim's need to understand, they came here. If they wish to practice their religion do so, but they have NO RIGHTS to interfere with how others want to worship.

    If Muslims don't like it here, then go somewhere else and leave decent people alone. So far, they seem to be non-religious and mostly savages.

  12. Don't like it here then leave, we need too stop being PC ! We need to get some back-bone !!!

  13. I am so sick and tired of the wimps being produced. Nothing but weak parents teaching children to be offended at everything. Strong people do not get offended-EVER. People need to get some backbone and stop being cowards. ONLY cowards get offended and taken one step further only someone with mental issues (usually inferior complex and a compelling need to call attention to themselves) make an issue out of being offended.

  14. The Roberson's are a nightmare for democrats.
    FYI 12:54-Their merchandise is selling like crazy. To the tune of $400 million so far this year and projections for huge Christmas sales. Si's book's on the NY Times bestseller list too.

  15. First Amendment. "They"can just STFU.

    Any questions?

  16. My name is Osamha Bin-ducky I trooly lub dat show. Alah will just have to keep his forty virgins for now I alo like the Honey Boo-Boo. I have hung up my exsplosive vest. I just cant stop laughing. Oh yes I forgot to tell Ahkmed I recorded Voctoria Secret show for him. Oh yea Merry Christmas and thank Alah the Robertsons made beards cool again. They look like Muslims beanie caps and beards I just lub those guys


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