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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Do Vitamins Block Disease? Some Disappointing News

WASHINGTON (AP) -- There's more disappointing news about multivitamins: Two major studies found popping the pills didn't protect aging men's brains or help heart attack survivors.

Millions of Americans spend billions of dollars on vitamin combinations, presumably to boost their health and fill gaps in their diets. But while people who don't eat enough of certain nutrients may be urged to get them in pill form, the government doesn't recommend routine vitamin supplementation as a way to prevent chronic diseases.

The studies released Monday are the latest to test if multivitamins might go that extra step and concluded they don't.



  1. Don't trust the Muslim government.

  2. anything to kill us...

  3. Another fine example of how the uninformed are easily bilked out of their dollars

  4. vitamins Don't block disease. this is correct. vitamins, herbals and food supplements help build our immune system. Most Americans eat a Poor diet of high carbs (sugar) and processed foods. high carbs are breads, pasta, potatoes, and sugar. processed foods are obvious. we Don't eat enough fresh fruit, vegetables, lean meat, fish and whole grains, nuts and seeds. hence the poor diet.
    NO ONE is dying from supplement overdose. Many are dying from poor diets causing many diseases and poor lifestyle choices such as too much alcohol, drugs, smoking and again a poor diet. Many people live on coffee (which isn't bad unless that's all you drink) sodas, energy drinks and NOT enough water.
    Supplementation boosts the immune system, but it does not Stop disease. another immune system killer are the antibiotics that are prescribed and taken too liberally in this nation. European and other nations use herbs and supplements for many of the health problems instead of antibiotics.
    Bottom line; improve your diet, drink good water and herbal teas and yes limited coffee. try to exercise; even lightly each day and take your vitamin and mineral supplements each day. if you need additional help for boosting your health; talk to you doctor; one who is educated in "prevention" rather than masking problems with drugs.

  5. 1019 eat your veggies/fruits and you'll get all the vitamins you need. No need for supplements except in the case of other extenuating health conditions (osteoporosis, pregnancy). If you're not eating right, you're going to keel over with a bad heart or related ailment regardless of whether you are taking vitamin supplemants.

  6. 2:40. great idea, but not going to happen. the "standard American diet" aka SAD is called that for a reason; it's poor at best.

    in addition; our produce is no longer as healthy as in the past due to depleted nutrients in the soil, pesticides, herbicides, early harvesting etc. most people aren't buying organic produce. now for our meat supply loaded with hormones and other drugs. of course much of the seafood is tainted and contains high levels of mercury and other metals. next dairy products again filled with hormones and drugs. then of course, there's the GMO foods. my goodness looks like our diet may be lacking and need some help.

    thank God we still have a choice as to whether or not we want to supplement and eat and drink good food.


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