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Sunday, December 08, 2013

City Of Salisbury Council President Jacob Day In Serious Trouble With Law Enforcement

Address:502 DRUID HILL AVE
City: SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21801


Charge Information

Charge: Article:TASec:21Sub-Sec:801.1Para:Code:
Speed Limit: 55 Recorded Speed: 073
Location Stopped: N/B 10 AT 648
Contributed to Accident?: NO Personal Injury?: NO
Fine: 90 Related Citation Number: 05CR0AZ8
Vehicle Tag: 2AM6515 State: MD Vehicle Description:

Address:502 DRUID HILL AVE
City: SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21801


Charge Information

Charge: Article:TASec:16Sub-Sec:112Para:CCode:

Address:502 DRUID HILL AVE
City: SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21801


Charge Information
Charge: Article:TASec:16Sub-Sec:112Para:BCode:

Location Stopped: N/B 10 AT 648
Contributed to Accident?: NO Personal Injury?: NO
Fine: 50 Related Citation Number: 05CW0AZ8

Address:502 DRUID HILL AVE
City: SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21801


Charge Information

Address:502 DRUID HILL AVE
City: SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21801


Charge Information

Charge: Article:TASec:16Sub-Sec:303Para:HCode:

Location Stopped: N/B 10 AT 648
Contributed to Accident?: NO Personal Injury?: NO
Fine: 0 Related Citation Number: 05CT0AZ8
Vehicle Tag: 2AM6515 State: MD Vehicle Description: 11FORD02

Address:502 DRUID HILL AVE
City: SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21801


Charge Information

Charge: Article:TASec:16Sub-Sec:101Para:ACode:

Location Stopped: N/B 10 AT 648
Contributed to Accident?: NO Personal Injury?: NO
Fine: 0 Related Citation Number: 05CV0AZ8
Vehicle Tag: 2AM6515 State: MD Vehicle Description:


  1. well the salisbury morons who voted for this guy. A known problem with speeding and violations.

    These character flaws with the law also translate to his personal and so called professional life.

    This city is so screwed in many ways

  2. Somehow, I think this will all go away!

  3. 11:35 - yep. Daddy will get Jakey the finest lawyers money can buy and we'll see yet another long string of "STET" and "NOL PROS"

  4. NO daddy won't even need to help...

    Just like Mitchell's son, how the F do you get only a fine for having drugs and prescription meds? Everyone I know of or heard of in that same situation got time, lost of time... Like years and most were their first offence...

    SO basically as poster above said, this will just go away...

  5. Then again, there is the Court of public opinion.

  6. Didn't need to be a rocket scientist to see this coming. Forgetting your license is one thing, driving while suspended is knowingly breaking the law.

    With no respect for the law he should resign his council position.

    What the friends of Ireton get away with is robbery. I remember when the city made a big stink about Tim Spies and some updates to his home and the daily times ate it up. This is far beyond code violations and Day needs to resign.

    I seriously doubt we'll see anything about this in the local paper.

  7. With his priors and history, he should get some jail time out of this one.
    Hey, Salisbury, miss Debbie yet?

  8. What do YOU expect. You have a mayor who exposed himself in front of three city employees and got away with it.

  9. When did this stop happen?

  10. if i was driving around without my license i would damned sure be super careful to do the speed limit, but many people don't even have the slightest bit of common sense, so they just go like hell the same as always!!

  11. It must be nice to drive so fast in a big pickup truck and afford the gas all the way from Salisbury to Annapolis and back. I'd guess at that speed he's getting 8 miles to the gallon. Does the council job pay that much.

  12. Joe you need to run again as mayor and WIN, and get riffraff like this OUT.

  13. Was Sharkeisha wit him or was he by himself?

  14. I tried to look at the Maryland search records to see when and for how long his license was suspended but couldn't find anything. Didn't he just get married? Why is he flying around AA county he should be on his honeymoon.

  15. This isn't any big deal. These are traffic violations, nothing more.

  16. The moral character of this dude is not good. Driving a 'Motor Vehicle While License Suspended' certainly falls under the category of 'Shady' and non-compliance with the law.

    Other notorious infractions equate to a considerable 'Rap Sheet'.


  17. 12:26, he got married on Friday. Maybe he was just rushing to make it to the chapel on time, LOL!

  18. 12:36
    These tickets were on the 29th. Maybe he was trying to run away lol

  19. Daddy will get him off like he always does! I bet alcohol was involved too cuz he and daddy have major drinking problems too! Salisbury has a winner with this one!

  20. Who would marry him??? Hell would freeze over before I would ever give such an irresponsible man like him even so much as a second look. Wife has some serious issues herself. No normal women would marry someone who isn't even responsible enough to keep something as simple as a drivers license. What a dummy she is!

  21. Probably was running away 12:40 after realizing his wife was a candidate for the insane asylum, after all anyone mentally stable would never marry a loser like him.

  22. Bad boy Bad boy what cha gonna do Bad boy?

  23. On the way to the airport for the honeymoon trip to Hawaii.

  24. big deal, you got a liar and thief in the white house in the governors mansion in just about every political position in this state and they are stealing the public blind and you are worried about a few minor traffic violations? Hell every illegal does this day in and day out and no one cares! at least he had insurance!

  25. Is his license still suspended? Start getting video of him arriving at council functions.

  26. As long as the people in charge are at the controls, it matters not at all how we vote. They will just flip the final results in their favor.

  27. I know this is from me the simpleton but, I would be happy with equal and fair punishment

  28. I keep telling you--- your "leaders", from local to national, don't give a crap about the "law". They don't think its made for them...and neither are any consequences. Suspended license and STILL drives 73 in a fifty-five zone!!?

  29. Big deal. Guy forgot his license and was doing 18 over on the highway.

    Like none of you rednecks have done this.

    1. Ohbama Ohmalley Liarton Crooked MotorsDecember 3, 2013 at 8:26 PM

      Yeah, but not with SUSPENDED LICENSE, that wiukd be very STUPID. Must be another Dumboc-rat, no regard to the LAW, whatsover.

  30. Excessive Moving Violations. The state of Maryland operates on a point system, in which drivers accumulate points on their license for every moving violation they commit. If you accumulate 8 to11 points within two years, your license will be suspended. The Motor Vehicle Administration will send you a notice informing you of this. If you accumulate 12 or more points within a two year driving period, your license will be revoked

  31. You idiots voted for him!!

  32. 2:02 - You missed it idiot. He forgot nothing, he has no license!

  33. I just spoke with two council members from another town. Salisbury is the laughing stock of the shore.

  34. 11:46 If I don't see this in my paper tomorrow I'm cancelling my subscription of 18 years.

  35. "Anonymous said...
    Big deal. Guy forgot his license and was doing 18 over on the highway.

    Like none of you rednecks have done this.

    December 3, 2013 at 2:02 PM"

    "Big deal"? It is a "big deal" you low life because going excessive speed KILLS. Unlike YOU, some people do care about THEIR families and would prefer that show offs like Day would grow up and not put other people in danger. I hope to hell you don't have children because you are a piss poor example of a parent. You are common-an excuse maker and an enabler, a product of common low life parents yourself.

  36. @2:44
    I just spoke with them too, they said you're full of it.

    But for the record, Salisbury is the armpit of the shore.

  37. "Anonymous said...
    Daddy will get him off like he always does! I bet alcohol was involved too cuz he and daddy have major drinking problems too! Salisbury has a winner with this one!

    December 3, 2013 at 12:45 PM"
    Really? That's typical white trash behavior. Speaks volumes as to why Day is so irresponsible. Boy's got the white trash in him and has no personal responsibility.

  38. LOL 2:48. I've actually heard many people in Talbot county refer to Salisbury as the Armpit of the Eastern Shore. It wasn't always this way. Salisbury used to be the shopping destination for Talbot but in the past 10 yrs or so, Salisbury's reputation is dirt in Talbot county. It's the crime and the overload of ramshackled houses which are so prevalent now that give people a horrible impression of Salisbury. And they need to stop that "bury" crap. Talk about ghettofied! Salisbury is Salisbury and should remain so.

  39. Pittsville is no better---they let the President Moore and his daughter steal over $50,000 and then reelected him

  40. I have to disagree 2:48, Salisbury is more like the crotch of the shore!

  41. Blatant disregard for the law.

  42. 2:02
    Nope, I don't go 18 MPH over the speed limit w/NO license,though I could be considered a redneck. You, however, IMO, seem to be incapable of reading the charges involved & drawing a sensible conclusion without trying to deflect the fact that he was breaking the law (times how many charges?!)by throwing out what you feel is an insult. When the caca hits the fan, we rednecks will survive just fine, while idiots like you will be the ones rioting in the grocery stores.

  43. If he doesn't resign like he should we need to start the recall process.

  44. @2:59, it's not just Talbot that feels that way, try the whole shore.

  45. Joe, don't waste your time with mayor. We need someone who can count in the County Executive job. Run for that and save the city, not just the city!

  46. Obama will take care of youDecember 3, 2013 at 3:44 PM

    Just tell them you do not speak ENLISH and you crossed the border.

  47. 2:59
    Where did you get that figure from. Has the audit been completed and I wonder if they will mention something at the town meeting. If what you claim is true someone needs to be locked up!

  48. Immature fool! I have a son, one year older. He displayed more responsible behavior when he was 14 years old than this kid does now!

  49. Bad boys Bad boys what cha gonna do, what cha gonna do when they COME FOR YOU?!!

  50. 11:49 who did the mayor expose himself to and where was this?


  51. For fun, sadly: Doesn't being an elected Democrat get you the OweMalley/Brown/Gansler speed where, when and what speed you choose rule?

    For serious: Fact that his license was already suspended strongly suggests that any intervention on his behalf had already failed due to continuing violations.

    Solutions: 1) SBY can have a cop drive him to/from work just like other self-important officials.

    Or 2) ShoreTransit can begin serving his workplace address.

    Should reflect well on his military fitness review, too.

  52. I can't believe he found someone dumb enough to marry him either. He's got the mentality of a child.
    Mature, responsible adults do not behave the way he does. If my daughter got stuck marrying someone like him, I would be mortified. He's isn't anything to be proud of. Life's difficult enough without having to watch out for little boy husband and make sure he tows the line.

  53. 5:35 He is acting as he should. Remember he is a Democrat. It goes with the territory.

  54. You would think any woman with a functioning brain in her head, would be a bit concerned that the moron she's married, thinks it's perfectly okay to drive around while his license is suspended, not once but several times.
    Her mother raised a real fool.

  55. @ 11:49...

    I see you found your way out from underneath your rock. Welcome to the world!

  56. I'm sure driving on a suspended license will not be defended by those close to him. There's no way such disregard for law would be considered a little mistake.

  57. All anyone needs is just a little Arab in them and lookout.

  58. Just another "phony" on the City Council!!!!!!!

  59. Day's employed (DT's article) by SU as the interim director of Institute for Public Affairs and Civic Engagement. How ironic that in part, their mission statement reads, they want to foster a more "responsible citizenry."
    They could start by leading by example. Someone who makes a habit out of speeding excessively and on a suspended drivers license is irresponsible citizenry at it's best.

  60. Maybe voters should start determining how fit people are for office by their actions instead of their speeches.

  61. And, according to his license, he's obviously grown a coupla inches since I last saw him!

  62. How about less talk and more recall.

  63. 8:09, LOL!

    5-10, maybe in 3-inch platform shoes!

  64. No way is that boy 5'10"

    Lying on a suspended license.

    Driving on a suspended license.

    Speeding on a suspended license.

    To those idiots saying "big deal" we all forget our licenses sometimes, all I have to say is, MY license has NEVER been SUSPENDED!

  65. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I just spoke with them too, they said you're full of it.

    But for the record, Salisbury is the armpit of the shore.

    December 3, 2013 at 2:48 PM

    And that is helping Salis NOT to be the 'armpit of the shore'?

    I suspect you may one of the hairs in that armpit.

  66. What the hell do his traffic violations have to do with his position on the city council? Stop looking at the negatives and look at list of good he's brought to our community in such a short time. People make mistakes, try to be understanding and think about how this is affecting his life.

  67. 12:44
    Going 18 mph over the speed limit "could" be considered a mistake. Driving when your license has been suspended is NOT a mistake. He got into that vehicle knowing that he did not have a valid license.

  68. Let's be realistic, he's not going to resign or be recalled because of some traffic violations.

    I'm more curious about how this might affect his military career though. They don't mess around with this sort of thing.

  69. A "mistake" 12:44? You are kidding right? A mistake is when you dial a wrong phone number. What he did was intentional. And he keeps doing it time and time again.
    First of all name one positive thing he has accomplished so far for the city? We will patiently wait for the answer.
    And FYI-his traffic violations has EVERYTHING to do with his position on the council! Have you every heard of the words character and responsibility. I doubt it and that the problem with you people and why Sby is the Arm Pit of the Eastern Shore.
    Someone who can't even control themselves enough to not drive when not allowed can't be trusted for anything. It's a form of dishonesty. And what does he think-driving at excessive speeds is cute? That is the most maddening-that this sick individual cares nothing about other people. Many a people including whole families have been wiped out in a flash by SOB's like Day. He is White Trash and his total disregard for obeying law proves it.

  70. " People make mistakes, try to be understanding and think about how this is affecting his life."

    Who cares "how this is affecting his life"? He should have thought about that before he choose to break the law. Right?
    He brought it on himself. No one made him drive while suspended nor did anyone make him speed. He grew it entirely himself now he can suck it up. He choose to go into politics too. When a public official breaks the law, it's news. He needs to grow up and start acting like an adult.

  71. I'm laughing so hard!! Who are the absolute idots who voted for this guy!!

  72. Here's an idea, let's start a recall. The voters did not know they were voting for a criminal. Decent people on the city council that made a real difference in this city lost their places because of this clown.

  73. DT's article did say Day works at SU. I thought he was some kinda big time urban planner? I remember his campaign literature touted some non profit urban development place several counties away as his employment. Grant money must of run out, so he was shown the door. I can't remember the non profits name but they were patting themselves for consulting on this town and that town none of which have shown any progress so far. It was very funny.

  74. "Stop looking at the negatives and look at list of good he's brought to our community in such a short time."

    LOL-Yeah that WiFi really been a big hit. Business is really booming in the area where it's available-LOL!
    12:44-The reality is......he's not done one thing toward progress for the city. His ideas are as dumb as obamas. Throwing money at every dumb idea and failing miserably.

  75. That jackass deserves some jail time this time.

  76. Joe --

    Please post the name and address of the court where he will appear on these charges so we can contanct them and demand that he spend some time in the cooler == and please sent the details to his army commanding officer.

  77. Speedo Day and two welfare queens now control the Salisbury City Council -- what a bad joke.

  78. He is too immature to conduct his personal business, I believe he CAN NOT BE TRUSTED to conduct the business of the city council or any other job. I can't believe the service doesn't punish his behavior. What a liability!

    Suppose he had injured, or worse killed others? Would his supporters feel so sorry for him and defend him then? What a sorry lot you all are.

    This boy simply doesn't have the ability because he has no experience. He has not accomplished anything on his own. He can't hold a "real job" just some handout job with a title to keep his father happy and make the child feel important is all this so-called job at SU is and nothing more.

    He is irresponsible and not fit for any government job especially a job that is responsible for taxpayer's money. He has proven he isn't responsible too many times, and he has also proven he can't be trusted.

    I only hope that all police agencies keep their eyes open for this character on the roads because the next time he will kill innocent people and that is unforgiveable.

    Jake Day is no leader and certainly no one our youth should look up to or follow.

    Perhaps the perfect job for Day would be at a race track but not as president or council member or serving in the military.

  79. I sure hope he hasn't or ever will operate a city owned vehicle.

  80. Come on SPD, MSP, and Wicomo SD, I know you can get him for a DWI. A good place to start would be Specific Gravity. He usually runs people off the road on his way there.

  81. Looks like PACE has got the Daily Times to take the article about this bozo off its website already!

  82. You know there is something to be said with the old adage "birds of a feather, flock together". Everyone needs to recall who supported this immature dude for election. They also need to watch those who are "hanging out" with him at his water holes. Jake is an accident looking for a place to happen. His ego is out of control.

  83. Sure are a lot of keyboard warriors in this thread.

  84. I find it comical that 84 out of the now 89 comments appear to be written by individuals with the intelligence and comprehension of a tadpole. Jake Day broke the law. He will suffer the consequences as seen fit by the judicial system. That's all there is to it. There is no news here.

    What humors me the most about this entire diatribe is that I'm quite confident 80 of the 84 urchins bashing Day, his family, and his [now] wife, have quite a bit of dirty laundry themselves. Furthermore, I can guarantee that 83 of the 84 dimwits on here are, most likely, twice Jake's age and half (or less) as successful.

    As the tadpoles lay down to sleep
    I pray their venom is what they reap
    And should they die before they wake
    I'd be a liar if I said my heart would break

    ...In other words - nobody cares about your peanut brain opinion....

  85. No. No dirty laundry 7:36.

  86. 7:36-Your comment speaks volumes as to a lack of common decency and morals in your upbringing. You don't forgive nor make excuses for any kind of bad behavior and law breaking period. To dismiss this off as just a traffic infraction so it's meaningless, is absurd. If everyone had this attitude there would be chaos. You don't do it and it's something all responsible good parents teach children while they are young.

  87. Jacob Day brought this on himself. There are options. When I worked at the Legg Mason Building in downtown Baltimore, the employer had a car service contracted out to tote some of us back and forth to work because parking was a nightmare. Of course I got to know my driver, and through the course of many daily conversations came to learn that a majority of the customers who use a car service were those whose driver licenses had been suspended.

  88. Anybody know Shanie Shields real full name?

  89. 7:36 commenter is a freaking idiot!

  90. All of it will be worked out in the judges chambers, by the judge, the prosecutor and the defense attorney. Sometimes, if the $$$ pie gets divided up, the judge will take the lion's share. The severity of the charge determines how hungry he is. Either way, Jake will pay a few $$$, tell the court how sorry he is (aren't they all?) and cake walk away by promising to be a good boy in the future. The judge, for show, will make him serve some sort of penance, to prove judgie was a toughie. Case closed!

  91. 9:56 AM - Eugenie Shields

  92. What's the excuse when he is speeding the next time and kills someone? Still saying he is sorry and falling on his sword???

    He needs to have his license removed from him and serve some serious jail time. Not to mention his National Guard and council seat as PRESIDENT needs to be taken away from him until he has actually proven he can be trusted and act in a mature, trustworthy, responsible and adult fashion.

  93. Poor Jacob. A useless law breaker!

  94. Anonymous said...
    big deal, you got a liar and thief in the white house in the governors mansion in just about every political position in this state and they are stealing the public blind and you are worried about a few minor traffic violations? Hell every illegal does this day in and day out and no one cares! at least he had insurance!

    December 3, 2013 at 1:26 PM

    It is a big deal you dumb f*k. You are the reason there are problems in this country because ignorant people look the other way because it is not a "big deal."

  95. Anonymous said...
    Day's employed (DT's article) by SU as the interim director of Institute for Public Affairs and Civic Engagement. How ironic that in part, their mission statement reads, they want to foster a more "responsible citizenry."
    They could start by leading by example. Someone who makes a habit out of speeding excessively and on a suspended drivers license is irresponsible citizenry at it's best.

    December 4, 2013 at 7:25 AM

    What happened to his job in Kent County? That was an issue during his campaign because it was discussed that he would miss a lot of time during the budget and work sessions.

    Who gave him that gravy PACE job at Salisbury University? That's how the democrats roll. Screw the citizens. I bet there was a more qualified citizen who was more deserving of that job when Fake Day supposedly had another job somewhere else.

  96. December 5, 2013 at 7:36 PM

    LMAO... I bet you voted for Obama.

  97. Anonymous said...
    I find it comical that 84 out of the now 89 comments appear to be written by individuals with the intelligence and comprehension of a tadpole. Jake Day broke the law. He will suffer the consequences as seen fit by the judicial system. That's all there is to it. There is no news here.

    What humors me the most about this entire diatribe is that I'm quite confident 80 of the 84 urchins bashing Day, his family, and his [now] wife, have quite a bit of dirty laundry themselves. Furthermore, I can guarantee that 83 of the 84 dimwits on here are, most likely, twice Jake's age and half (or less) as successful.

    As the tadpoles lay down to sleep
    I pray their venom is what they reap
    And should they die before they wake
    I'd be a liar if I said my heart would break

    ...In other words - nobody cares about your peanut brain opinion....

    December 5, 2013 at 7:36 PM

    Daddy is that you again?

  98. The real kicker is why hasn't he been stopped, charged and arrested by the Salisbury Police Department? Have they been given orders to look the other way? We all know a police officer is paid to be in the council chambers as protection during the meetings so you know they see him walk out to his vehicle and drive away.

  99. 2:23 pm very good point

  100. Day Is a good Guy Joe lay off you have never sped

    1. I agree Jake is cool what's wrong with you Joe.

  101. Good guy or not, personal time or not, his conduct is unworthy of any leadership position. He has proven beyond any doubt the rules are for others and not him.

    He is a habitual law breaker and certainly should not have any position of leadership. His credibility, intergrity, and trustworthiness are at the forefront.

    He is a poor example of what a professional should be. A stand up kind of person would not do what he continues to do and seems to enjoy doing it.

    When you have a political type of job, you are still expected to behave in a mature, adult fashion regardless of whether you are on your personal time or working representing the voters.

    If this is an example of SU's responsilbe citizen mission, they need to get a different poster boy.

  102. I find Jay to be a nice guy upon first meeting him, but after about two minutes of conversation he becomes very narcissistic and takes over the conversation. As far as his driving record once you become a "Public Official" your days of wanton reckless behavior are over period. I don't give a damn who you are or who your daddy is or what office you hold everyone must remain the same in the eyes of the law. This is what's seen in the famous sculpture of Lady Liberty with her blindfold.

  103. Anonymous said...
    Day Is a good Guy Joe lay off you have never sped

    December 8, 2013 at 8:06 PM

    Hey Hillbilly from da 'Bury it's not about speeding. It's about an elected lawmaker breaking the laws that he has sworn to uphold.

    You low informed Obama voters just don't get it. It's not about speeding, it's knowingly driving without a license and thinking you are above the law.

  104. I'm curious and would love to know if he tried to get off the hook by telling the cop that he is a Salisbury city council member.

  105. I wonder if he's going to drive himself in next week's Christmas Parade?

  106. You guys are all so ignorant, these are just traffic violations. Maybe a few of you need to look at yourselves in the mirror if you think dumb traffic violations are so wrong...please give me a break.

  107. Can we file a amicus brief to the court to insure that this jackass gets put away in jail to learn from this? How did SBY residents elect him? You only have yourselves to blame for electing this idiot who is all talk and no action. Joe, this really should be focused on, especially as the trial approaches. I would be interested to see how that trial goes to see how his rich family gets him out of this.


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