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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Charlie Daniels to Piers Morgan: 'You Wouldn't Last Five Minutes' in the Duck Dynasty Swamps

NewsBusters guest contributor Charlie Daniels has had enough of CNN's Piers Morgan attacking Americans he doesn't agree with.

After Morgan said about Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson via Twitter Thursday, "[T]he 1st Amendment shouldn't protect vile bigots," Daniels scolded the arrogant Brit Friday with a series of tweets that began, "Piers Morgan why don't you go back to England and straighten it out before you try to change the United States of America":



  1. But he would probably do very well in a gay bath house!!

  2. Piers ur country is being overun by radical Islam go back there and cover that story you Traitor.

  3. SO, wait... Charlie can slam who HE doesn't like, but Piers Morgan can't?

    See, that's the thing about this "free speech" business...it only works if it goes both ways. Otherwise, you just end up looking like an ignorant hypocrite.

  4. The pansy would probably be beat up by a duck.

  5. Anonymous said...
    SO, wait... Charlie can slam who HE doesn't like, but Piers Morgan can't?

    See, that's the thing about this "free speech" business...it only works if it goes both ways. Otherwise, you just end up looking like an ignorant hypocrite.

    December 22, 2013 at 5:47 PM

    Must be a liberal homo like Chuck Cookie or Liarton

  6. Charlie probably hasn't seen a swamp in thirty years.....


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