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Monday, December 09, 2013

Bateman On Guns - It's Time We Talk About Guns

We crossed the line some time ago, it has just taken me a while to get around to the topic. Sadly, that topic is now so brutally evident that I feel shame. Shame that I have not spoken out about before now -- shame for my country, shame that we have come to this point. One story tripped me.

A woman charged with killing a fellow Alabama fan after the end of last weekend's Iron Bowl football game was angry that the victim and others didn't seem upset over the Crimson Tide's loss to archrival Auburn, said the sister of the slain woman.

People, it is time to talk about guns.

My entire adult life has been dedicated to the deliberate management of violence. There are no two ways around that fact. My job, at the end of the day, is about killing. I orchestrate violence.



  1. Total rubbish. The right to bear arms has NOTHING to do with "hunting", although the author takes great pains to frame his desire to confiscate guns, make ammunition too expensive, and destroy gun manufacturing in that context. We bear arms to protect us from people like him. That's as simple as it gets.

  2. Exactly......without an option the idiots that truly believe they know better than we...will enslave us forever.....not in my lifetime!

  3. The problem is that the Lemmings in this state will fall in line and follow him off the cliff

  4. They are all nodding their heads, saying uh-huh, while sipping the latest flavor of Kool-Aid.

  5. This guy needs to be put down. He sounds like a danger to society to me.


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