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Sunday, December 08, 2013


An atheist organization is beginning a billboard campaign in Sacramento, California to encourage other atheists to “come out of the closet” as the Christmas season has believers turning their focus to faith in God.

According to a local ABC news affiliate, the Greater Sacramento Chapter of the Madison, Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation is erecting 55 billboards on Monday just as the Christmas season gets into full swing. The campaign, part of an ongoing endeavor titled, “Out of the Closet,” hopes to let atheists know that having God in your life is not a necessity.

“It’s because atheists are starting to speak up and they’re beginning to identify each other and find out they’re not alone,” said Judy Saint, president of the atheists’ group chapter. “There are a lot of non-believers and this time of year, they feel like they’re all alone.”


  1. Those that do not believe in GODDecember 4, 2013 at 7:08 AM

    They are Obama voters

  2. 7:08 BS. If you want to prance around, believing in unicorns, bigfoot, and other mythical creatures... be my guest.

    I don't think they should allow any religious billboards...atheist, christian, muslim... NONE.

  3. Gee, I wonder why they all feel so "alone"?????

  4. There are not alone crisis with them. This Christmas I will pray they find the Lord, I will pray they open their hearts and still the darkness with light .

  5. 7:29 doesn't know about the Bill of Rights. Especially the very first part. China might be a good travel destination. Or, if he just waits a few years, he may not need to worry about the Bill of Rights. It probably won't exist by then.

  6. 10:04, well when you put it that way than there's no reason to complain about any billboard regardless of religious affiliation or lack there of. You cant have Christian billboards and then whine about the the atheist ones.

    I would rather do without billboards all together though...

  7. I'm pretty sure that the Salisbury Jaycees aren't the athiests taking out anti-Christmas billboards in California. lol

  8. 10:42..I Think the atheists have a right to put up any billboard they want, just like Christians. THAT was my point. You know, that "Freedom of Speech" thing. And, of course, Freedom of Religion. I also think, like you, that billboards are an eyesore, but the money is too good for the citizens to be able to get rid of them....

  9. You are also free to go to Hell, that's your choice too ! Don't let me stand in your way

  10. Why don't they go pick on Muslims. Oh I forget, they're cowards and only go after peaceful Christians.

  11. Organized religion harbors the devil in full sight. No I am not an atheist but corporate religion is exactly what Jesus would be against.

  12. Tens of thousands (probably hundreds of thousands )of Religious billboards up all over the country and no one seems to notice.

    One Atheist billboard goes up and Christians have a total melt down.

    OH... the ironic hypocrisy.


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