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Sunday, December 15, 2013

An Interesting Comment Worthy Of A Post

Why is a valid license even required? Is it a requirement to be council president? If so, then Day does not qualify. What if I chose to take public transportation? Ride or walk to work? This is an admin job, not a transportation job.


  1. The valid license was required for him to perform his non-related activities. The fact that he disregarded that requirement is what makes him unfit for his council duties...which involve upholding the local laws.

  2. You losers will keep pissing and moaning on Joe's blog and not actually doing anything (like start a recall petition, raise the issue during public comment time at a City Council meeting) just like always.

    And that is why people like Ireton, Day, Mitchell and Shields will continue to win elections and you will continue to be angry, bitter people with zero power or influence.

  3. Ahhh...Let's see...last time I checked a valid drivers license was required for one to drive a car (which allegedly Master Day was doing when he was stopped for speeding). Any other questions Anon 1:34?

  4. 2:43 Pot, meet kettle.

    Pot: "You're black"
    Kettle: "You're black, too"


  5. 2:43-Shhh.Keep them ignorant for crying out loud.What are you trying to do,educate people?

  6. If you see him driving around, get pictures.

  7. Anonymous said...
    You losers will keep pissing and moaning on Joe's blog and not actually doing anything (like start a recall petition, raise the issue during public comment time at a City Council meeting) just like always.

    And that is why people like Ireton, Day, Mitchell and Shields will continue to win elections and you will continue to be angry, bitter people with zero power or influence.

    December 9, 2013 at 2:43 PM


    Sounds big and bad on the Anonymous blog, but they don't do crap.

  8. Anonymous said...
    If you see him driving around, get pictures.

    December 9, 2013 at 3:15 PM

    No Dummy, call the police.

  9. It's plain and simple. The license status doesn't matter. What matters is that we have a public figure who willfully violates the law. He is supposed to set a positive example for the community and instead puts himself above the law. Shame on him and I can't understand why anybody is supposed to have any pity for a law violator. He made a negative choice and now he is faced with consequences just like any citizen would be. Maybe he should step down and let a real positive leader step up to the plate.

  10. 2:57 the comment was from the article about the City Admin position, which has a requirement for a valid MD drivers license to apply.
    My comment then asked the question, is it also a requirement for a city council position.
    Your comment make you look like a dumb azz.

    Try intelligent conversation instead of your lame attempt to make someone look as stupid as you.

    Any other questions 2:57?

  11. The only loser is Day, 2:43. He and only he brought this attention on himself. Now you need to grow up and defend him in an intelligent way. There is no defending so you hurl insults. We are right and Day is wrong and you know it. He's an immature and all that is wrong with Sby and why it's referred to as the armpit. The voters elect irresponsible peons.

  12. Multiple license to drive violations...
    Job performance....
    Apples and Oranges....

    No regard for the law....
    Without a doubt.


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