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Thursday, December 12, 2013

9-Year-Old Suspended For Saying ‘Merry Christmas’ To Teacher

San Francisco, CA — The ‘war on Christmas’ continues as a simple well-wishing of ‘Merry Christmas’ has led to big trouble for one fourth-grade San Francisco boy this week.

Timothy Dawson, a 9-year-old student at Argon Elementary School in San Francisco, CA., was in the school cafeteria Monday eating with friends when he was taken to the principal’s office and given a week-long suspension. His punishment was consequence for saying ‘Merry Christmas’ to his homeroom teacher earlier that morning.

Dawson’s teacher, 35-year-old Paul Horner who is an outspoken Atheist, was offended at the students display of Christmas spirit and had staff suspend the young boy for the rest of the week.

“I say ‘Merry Christmas’ to everyone,” the boy told CNN. “I didn’t think it would cause so much trouble just for saying a couple little words.”

The boy’s mother, Laura Dawson, 41, was fuming over the issue.



  1. What a small-minded teacher!

    Every fringe group wants their voices heard and wants everyone to cater to their whims and demands, yet a child, a nine year old innocent child is suspended for saying "Merry Christmas"?

    What an awful, mean-spirited person this teacher is. I am deeply offended that children have any atheist teachers period. What kind of garbage do they spew to innocent children?

    Who is the child? The nine year old, or the atheist pretending to be an adult? Just how can an adult be so offended by a nine year old child?

    If you are that fragile, you don't need to be teaching. Grow a set and get over yourself!!

  2. Yet again...being politically correct has gone to far...
    The teacher here should be suspended...what kind of an example is he setting for his students.
    Is this tolerance, and more importantly who is he to persecute the child for his beliefs.

  3. Pro Muslim agenda the principal should be Fired. MERRY CHRISTMAS.

  4. Knowing that god will deal with me keeps me on the straight and narrow.The arrogance of people who refuse to accept that astounds me.

  5. Who does this teacher think he is. What kind of an example is he setting for his students. Atheist or idiot...he is wrong and he should be suspended.
    The child deserves a public apology and the school board is no better than this poor excuse for a teacher.

  6. If I were his mother I would call the police report the teacher and administration for child abuse. Even if nothing came of it. Next I would hire a lawyer and make his life a nightmare. The poor child will forever have Christmas tarnished because of this sicko. He needs to lose his job.

  7. People like this teacher need to crawl in a hole and die. The world would be a much better place if wimps like him who get offended weren't even around. They have no value to society and they know it so a lot of times that's why they get offended because they need the attention. It's some kind of mental problem.

  8. The atheist teacher is pushing his non Christian views on the students by requesting they not bring religion into his classroom. What happened to free speech?!

  9. I'm tired of tolerating the intolerant this guy should be beaten.

  10. Sounds to me like this teacher is far too small minded to be an educator. Teachers are supposed to educate their students on how to look at both sides of something and form their own opinion. Seems to me this teacher is severely lacking in the ability to do that. The teacher should be fired, the principle and school board reprimanded for making such lousy decisions and the child should have the suspension lifted and given a public apology by the teacher, principle and school board.

  11. Christmas is a recognized national holiday. Using that term in any context is first amendment protected free speech.

    That teacher, and anyone else responsible for the kid's punishment should be fired.

  12. Pretty simple, fire the "teacher",who is obviously not one.

    Or shoot him!

    WTF? If you want to be that stupid, there must be consequences.

  13. It's simple, folks. He violated the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights. Try him, and sentence him. Simple. Federal charges now.

  14. 35-year-old Paul Horner who is an outspoken Atheist who kind of reminds me of a local pansy homo mayor who is also a school teacher.

  15. yes once again the inmates are running the institution! a beating is deserved but would most likely not enlighten this little man.

  16. Why is a athiest a educator.

  17. Ummm... Did anyone notice where this story came? It's a SATIRE site people. Not true or factual. Geez. Everybody worked up over SATIRE.

  18. This is not a true new story, it is satire, from that web site that has bogus news articles.
    There is no such school in San Fran CA. There is one similar but no such school named Argon.

  19. If you did this to a MUSLIM, all hell would break looseDecember 13, 2013 at 4:22 AM

    The Teacher violated the Civil Rights of the Student and needs to be held accountable.

  20. teach can believe what he wants, so can the kids. how can teach be offended by a 9 yo, anyhoo? needs to grow up.

  21. Unfortunately in today's politically correct world gone mad this story seems believable, particularly in CA. The moral is that people need to realize that political correctness is out of control.

  22. One day this teacher, and the higher authorities that allowed this act to get this far will stand in front on the almighty king and answer for their actions and words! What is this teaching our children? Our children, especially at this age are innocent and simply express how they feel! What is wrong with "merry christmas"?! God is our reason for christmas! Get over it

  23. The home room teacher needs to be fired. Period.

  24. What the hell is wrong with today's society? You stupid atheist moron!! How dare you have a 9 year old suspended for telling you Merry Christmas!!! Someone buy this Grinch a t-shirt that says' I am atheist' don't tell me Merry Christmas. Bah Hum Bug!!!

    from Texas

  25. I just want to tell Mr. Paul Horner...MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

    I'll be praying for you. Regardless if whether you believe in God or not HE does exist.


    from Texas

  26. Annie, you're lying again. Sorry to be the one to point that out, but if you spent the forefinger energy to follow the link, you would have found real stories of real happenings. Too bad I had to waste this time on you., but stupidity cannot be cured at your age.

  27. I have looked into this story a bit, and it seems to be a very bad hoax. Supposedly, this particular incident never happened. However, in today's horribly messed up political climate, it is quite easy to believe that something like this has happened. What I find most appalling about this story is that if the satire writers who post crap like this in jest before it happens, then when this kind of thing starts happening (and I assure you that if things continue the way they are, it will happen), then people will be so desensitized by it that they won't believe that it happens. This kind of "crying wolf" breeds blatant apathy in the general public, and that makes matters much worse in the long run.

  28. I just wish all people would take whatever wish they are given in the loving spirit it was meant to be. All is required is a simple thank you, whether you are Christian. Muslim, Jewish. Buddhist, Atheist etc.. A joyful and loving spirit irregardless of type of faith practiced should always be welcomed.

  29. DO NOT GIVE UP-FIGHT-FIGHT-FIGHT THEMDecember 16, 2013 at 4:14 AM

    The Secular Liberal Atheist are out to destroy us....


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