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Sunday, December 22, 2013

16% Raise Recommended For Maryland Legislators Who Would Make $50,000 In 2018

Maryland legislators elected next year would see their salaries rise to $50,330 in 2018, a 16% raise over the next four years recommended Monday by the General Assembly Compensation Commission.

If the legislature accepts the recommendation, it would give the part-time lawmakers their first raise in eight years. Delegates and senators currently make $43,500.

The two presiding officers would also get a 16% pay hike over four years to $65,371 in 2018. The Senate president and House of Delegates speaker currently make $56,500.


  1. $53k for 3 months work, that is a total of 60 days of work, or over $900 a day. Are you "law makers" crazy? Do you give crap what the average citizen makes in week of what you make in a day? Do you have a budget surplus to take the money from? Do you know anything about governing? budgeting? working? or better yet, how do your look in the mirror at night!!!!

  2. Let the taxpayers decide whether they getaway raise or not.

  3. Way, way, way too much, and I agree with 1:18, let the taxpayers decide if they get a raise or not. Sickening is what this is.

  4. I dont even make $40,000 at full time with over time.

  5. ANY elected officals pay raise should be voted on. PERIOD. They're spitting in our face, and smacking the backs of our heads with $hit on it.

  6. That citizens is a travesty. The value of their work is MINUS $50,000 a month.

  7. These lying, cheating, thieving sub-humans don't deserve a single penny. All they have done is taken, robbed, and destroyed our way of life.

  8. Bunch of thieves. This is theft pure and simple. Low.life scumbags all of them.

  9. 16% back to the people.

  10. Petition so this goes on the Voting Ballot for the People to decide...December 17, 2013 at 11:03 PM

    I agree, the Tax Payers should decide...lets put this on a ballot to vote on...

  11. No raises! Let them scrimp and make sacrifices. Politics wasn't meant to be a career but it seems politicians nowadays are clueless as to history. If they can't make it on their current salaries then get out-always someone ready and willing to replace them. If truth be told most of them aren't worth a penny to begin with. All they know is tax and spend and increasing our debt.


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