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Sunday, November 10, 2013

You Lie

Never before in the history of the Republic has a president lied so boldly, so unequivocally, so repeatedly about a matter that has such a significant impact on hundreds of millions of Americans — and that also happens to be his administration’s signature achievement.

Before Obamacare we had, for all it’s faults, the finest health-care system in the world. But 47 million were uninsured. We were told Obamacare would insure them. So Obamacare blew up the best health-care system in the world and yet 30 million will remain uninsured. The core reason for the law was a lie.

In return for the bright, shining, false promise of Obamacare, 3.5 million Americans have had their plans terminated, and that number is expected to rise to over 100 million when all of the law’s mandates kick-in. Millions won’t have their preferred choice of doctors or hospitals, and many doctors and hospitals simply refuse to participate in the train wreck. Medical technology and innovation are stifled by the law’s tax and regulatory burdens. The promise of improved health care was a lie.



  1. Not trying to argue the main points here, but anyone who thinks we had/have the finest health-care system in the world hasn't gotten out very much.

    It is true to say we have the most expensive with some of the worst results, but I don't think that's what the author meant by "finest."

  2. 10:42 simply not true.
    I have "gotten out" and, for all it's faults as you say, our health care has driven the World, leading in cutting edge development of medicine.
    Private industry has developed the technology that is completely unachievable in any other nation.
    Socialized medicine is a travesty in virtually all nations. I won't argue the details and complexities here but do the research.
    America is the world leader soon to be relegated to third world status under Obama. That is a fact.

  3. Um, you are mistaken, people from across the world fly INTO the US for our medical services which are the best.

  4. WOW Delaware now has 4 people that have signed up for Obamacare...what a great program....how lucky for them...they will get the industrial sized Kool-Aid along with their "healthcare"...if there is anybody out there that doesn't get it yet, this is the start of the single payer system...socialist medicine!!!

  5. "At this point what difference does it make"

  6. What a travesty. Brought on by the people who (by law) are supposed to READ a bill BEFORE it's passed. The ones who voted for the bill "so we could find out what's in it" should be, at the very least, made to USE IT. That would be fitting punishment. In the real world, heads would roll. In government, "I take full responsibility" and "you can hold me accountable" are empty words that mean NOTHING. Not a single person, especially those connected to michelle obama, or those who swear to fall on their swords for a president who seems to know nothing about anything, has been disciplined or fired. THIS is our modern day Nero.

  7. I guess no one remembers GWB's lie about Iraqi WMD thereby invading Iraq with the US military...

    That lie seems pretty large in the overall scheme of which President lied the worst...

    After all, thousands DIED for no reason as a result.....


    1. Military intelligence said that those WMDs were moved to Syria. No one believed them cause the libtards would listen to GW or our military. They were just out to crucify GW. Funny how suddenly Syria came out with WMDs.

  8. Did I see on the news that Delaware is moving to Single Payer (socialized) insurance?

    As expensive as US healthcare was, it was very good. The main reasons that I see for it being expensive were 1) Defensive medicine; 2) "Pay per procedure" policies (these two mean you ring up everything you can to protect your butt and increase your income); and 3) Price controls in other countries.

    Re: price controls - think about how much cheaper drugs and the like are outside the US. It's incremental revenue enhancement so a company is going to take it. But all the funding comes from the US paying more. There's no reason the same pill should cost less in Mexico and Canada. The free market way to fix this would be to allow importation of drugs from vendors in outside countries.

  9. 10:04 you are so right, short or selective memories here.

  10. So I suppose every President from here on out has a free pass to lie about anything because two bad Presidents blatantly lied to us...the people need to take back their government from the thieves and liars that infest both parties.

  11. 2:25 - Military lied.

    Wikipedia -
    Bush later said that the biggest regret of his presidency was "the intelligence failure" in Iraq, while the Senate Intelligence Committee found in 2008 that his administration "misrepresented the intelligence and the threat from Iraq". A key CIA informant in Iraq admitted that he lied about his allegations, "then watched in shock as it was used to justify the war".

  12. Anonymous said...
    I guess no one remembers GWB's lie about Iraqi WMD thereby invading Iraq with the US military...

    That lie seems pretty large in the overall scheme of which President lied the worst...

    After all, thousands DIED for no reason as a result.....

    Guess what? They were only given YEARS to move the weapons, which were found in Syria...Ummm...we are going to come and inspect you for weapons, but we are giving you years notice, so you better not have them....


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