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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Yes, It Can . . . Be Repealed

If Obamacare produces as many losers as winners, its future will be in doubt.

Washington, D.C.
— “These people don’t understand what the government is trying to do for them,” said then-chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee Dan Rostenkowski in August 1989, after senior citizens angry over a federal health-care law booed him and chased him down a Chicago street. That law was repealed a few months later by a Democratic Congress and a Republican president who had supported it just the year before.

Everything old is new again. We are starting to hear in D.C. that today’s unpopular health-care law might be in real trouble, spelled with a capital T, as The Music Manwould put it.



  1. Call 202-224-3121 and tell your elected rep ( in case they forgot they were elected BY THE PEOPLE, and order them to REPEAL this shi#!

  2. More and more things are coming out every day about how this is destroying free market and all that is medically related. I now cannot get my prescription b/c the pharma company is not going to make it b/c it does not make them enough money. Everywhere I look this law is doing lmore harm than good. Please ...for all that is right in this country... repeal this mess.


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