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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

What EVERYONE Will Be Talking About at Thanksgiving Dinner

Have you seen them? The guides for how to talk to your family about Obamacare over the holidays.

That’s right—Organizing for America (OFA), President Obama’s campaign group, has a big push called “Health Care for the Holidays” that urges people to “have the talk” with their loved ones about getting health insurance. The Washington Post also published a “Guide to Surviving Obamacare Debates at Thanksgiving.”

Obama’s group encourages you to “Integrate the talk into family time: Take advantage of downtime after meals or between holiday activities to start your talk.”


  1. I gots a free phone, a free house, my electric paid for, gets food stamps and get a hot meal too...dog gone right I want Obama-Care...

  2. Anything to do with Obama will not be discussed at my dinner table. Why, because our family members are Americans and we do not allow discussions about Communists at our table. Once dinner is over we will discuss the lying bastard.

  3. we will thank God for His bounty and eternal love for each of us. we Will Not be discussing how the government continues to try to be God.

  4. Ve have vays of making you talk...about Obamacare....

  5. Our discussions will be centered around what can be done to repeal and replace this massive socialist fraud foisted on the populace!

  6. I will be giving thanks for what I have and hoping that Obama doesn't get his paws on it...

  7. I will chew my turkey with my mouth closed. Turkey day is upon us.


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