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Sunday, November 03, 2013

Update On A/C Units Stolen In Downtown Salisbury Maryland

As you can see from the above image, the two units were stripped to the bone and the cages that surrounded them put back in place. 

This wasn't done by your every day crack addict. These were professionals who knew exactly what they were doing. 

As an update to my experience, (so far) with the Salisbury Police Department, I had a fantastic conversation with the Detective in charge of the case and am very confident they are on to the people involved. I can't say any more than that as I do not want to interfere in their investigation.

I was able to express my disgust with the Officer in charge and all I'll say is, I'm not alone. More  to come...


  1. All-please help to educate me. Why would someone steal a rooftop unit when the units beside our houses are more accessible? Is there a special metal or component in the rooftop units that is valuable? Do I need to figure out how to lock up my HVAC unit (which is less than 1 year old by the way)?

  2. Lot's and lot's of high priced copper.

  3. So hAppy this happened to you!

    Just so it goes public. Because this keeps happening Sby cops at night sleep in HBC parking lot instead of patrolling.

    Sucks this happens to anyone even you! Keep us in the loop!

  4. i hope they hit some vacated rental properties before they are caught. hhey you thieves the house is empty. most likely they are renters themselves

  5. If they were pros the intention is to re use the guts.I'm guessing the units were either relatively new or rebuilt.In any case they were in good working order which made them re usable.Unlikely,to me at least that anyone would go to this much trouble for scrap value.

  6. What is the HBC parking lot?

  7. Has to be the guys working NEXT DOOR to you on the building.

  8. Some units are worth hundreds of dollars. So yeah, alot of idiots would go to all the trouble.

  9. @11:21

    Stealing these rooftop units means they are less likely to be seen by others. Who is going to look up? And if they do, who is going to use a conspicuous crane or similar device to get them off the building if they are stealing in secret?

    This is actually a pretty sophisticated theft.

  10. 2:49
    I don't think they take the entire unit. They usually take all the copper tubing and such out of them. They are not going to waste time taking metal that doesn't pay much. Copper is and has been bringing a high price. They are even taking it out of new constructions jobs.

  11. I have a feeling someone high up might be behind this.

  12. Why should they help you, Joe? You hate everyone here, Joe! You post what we're...errr, the firefighters are doing, we/they won't help you now. You don't help us...errr, the police either, Joe. When you need us... errr, them, we/they won't be there. Take that, Joe.

    Jim... errrr, Anonymous.

    Just wanted to get that out of the way for the Herp-Derp good ole boys.

  13. 4:10 go crawl back under your rock..maybe your mom should cut off your internet..you offer same old same old BS..JOE informs the intelligent...libtarded sheeple of your ilk are mentally incompetent

  14. Harvest Baptist Church
    They sit side by side so they can wake the other

  15. awful funny am i missing something but under that cage looks like an A C unit

  16. Good thing you have this blog, Joe. Otherwise, it would be just a report, a statistic. A number used to justify MORE police. Regular citizens just pay the deductible and make sure they wear their seat belt.

  17. Clearly WBOC and the Daily Times have no interest in keeping the public informed about crime in Salisbury. I sent images and information to both and they refused to respond. The replacement cost is somewhere around $30,000.00 or more. Did you hear about the residential units that were stolen over the summer? They were targeting homes that were in foreclosure. You can't trust your local MSM and it cracks me up to watch WBOC showing the majority of their news any more in other states. They talked about Halloween tonight and they didn't even take the time to go down to the Plaza where hundreds of kids showed up. Oh well, the local news is all about rainbows any more anyway.

  18. Thank you for mentioning down town and the kids. I was just thinking how sad Halloween was in the city because we had no one at all trick or treating. There wasn't a soul on the streets.

  19. That's because they are bused in to the west side developments. Should be trick or treating in YOUR OWN neighborhood!!!

  20. 5:38 You saw a compressor and a fan and it's motor. What is missing are the outdoor coils which is where the copper is. The outdoor coils can be replaced, and if the compressors are not damaged the units will operate just fine.

  21. Cops in town too busy chasing kids on bicycles and skateboarders.

  22. Thank you for mentioning down town and the kids. I was just thinking how sad Halloween was in the city because we had no one at all trick or treating. There wasn't a soul on the streets.

    November 1, 2013 at 9:16 AM

    Most are probably AFRAID to be on the streets when it gets dark. You can't even go to the WAWA near the S curve with being panhandled.


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