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Saturday, November 30, 2013

TSA Spent $900 Million On Behavior Detection Officers Who Detected 0 Terrorists

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) spent approximately $900 million over the last 5 years for behavior detection officers to identify high-risk passengers but, so far, according to the General Accountability Office (GAO), only 0.59% of the passengers flagged were arrested and among those not one was charged with terrorism – zero.

In 2003, the TSA started testing its Screening of Passengers by Observation Technique (SPOT) program, which was then fully deployed in 2007. About 3,000 behavior detection officers (BDO) “had been deployed to 176 of the more than 450 TSA-regulated airports in the United States” by fiscal year 2012 (Oct. 1, 2011 – Sept. 30, 2012), according to the GAO.

Those BDO officers are trained to “identify passenger behaviors indicative of stress, fear, or deception and refer passengers” and their baggage for additional screening, reported the GAO in its Nov. 8, 2013 report, Aviation Security: TSA Should Limit Future Funding for Behavior Detection Activities.



  1. $900 million??!! Like obama's "shovel ready" jobs program that costs about $5 million a job, or his "Green" energy program that has given away billions, only to lose it in banruptcy prceeedings, and his latest bright idea for tax giveaway --- "health care" - where, again, we are spending hundreds of millions to sign up.....nobody. They can't even PAY people in Oregon to join. This is what you get from a community organizer who always thought money just flowed endlessly. And now, by printing $80 BILLION dollars of worthless paper money EVERY MONTH, he is proving he is unqualified and a danger to our country like nothing we've ever seen.

  2. OF course. It's a government Job.

  3. Ice cream headache coming on...

  4. They have to waste our money somewhere.

  5. How about pay someone $12/hr to look for young Muslims, especially ones chanting "Allah Akabar". Got a feeling the results would be a little better.


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