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Sunday, November 10, 2013

TOTALLY INNOCENT People Should Avoid Talking To Law Enforcement



  1. Gerald, retired Detroit copNovember 9, 2013 at 1:43 PM

    Another good lesson learned, also, watch " My Cousin Vinnie", another lesson on cops twisting an innocent persons words, as a retired cop I also advise my friends and family to never ever talk to the cops without a lawyer present.
    I have been able to convict many a suspect with just the words out of his big mouth!

  2. You're absolutely right 1:43. When a cop is investigating a crime they are in "subjective"mode. Like the old saying goes "when you're a hammer everything looks like a nail".

  3. You know the saying....There is NO situation that can't be escalated by the police. Mere, and simple traffic violations, such as "failing to use a turn signal" or such can EASILY turn into your death, arrest, or 200 stitches. Enema's, vaginal searches, and strip searches at no extra charge. From those sworn to, uh....um, uh....serve us. They serve, all right, but their Master is no longer "we, the people"....

    1. The point is to not act like an idiot when the cops are present 227. Your mommy and daddy didn't help by letting you get away with that type of behavior when you were knee high to a grasshopper! lol.

  4. If a psychiatrist diagnoses even the worst criminal as having early onset dementia he or she will not be prosecuted.The school of thought is that if they can't recall committing the crime they can't be held accountable.

  5. That goes for all extreme hoarders, hiding all of their nastiness and filth of a life.

  6. 5;25 seriously? spoken like a true Nazi pig! a person doesn't need to act anyway for some napoleon like you to overreact and make a benign situation into a life or death matter.

    1. JUST COMPLY 555!!! What don't you comprehend?

  7. actually the only way to stop this type of bs is to film every encounter someone has with a cop. If you see one of your family members or a friend or even someone you don't know having an interaction with the cops start filming. they hate it but you are perfectly within your rights to film them. And the video doesn't lie. so if the cop is really a good guy just doing his job then the tape will bear him out. However if he's just some punk with a badge then the video will bring that to light also. And sooner or later the city / state will get tired of being sued. damn shame they don't clean up their own bad apples! if they would maybe the public wouldn't have such a low opinion of them!

  8. Criminals and police both have to have criminal minds to do their jobs properly. It's a fact that neither can deny.

    Remember that.

    Don't talk to people that have criminal minds. It won't help you in any way.

  9. Anonymous said...
    JUST COMPLY 555!!! What don't you comprehend?

    November 9, 2013 at 9:51 PM


    What don't YOU comprehend?

  10. I do 854. I keep dirt bags off the streets and only dirt bags don't comply. So if your not a dirt bag JUST COMPLY!!!

  11. 7:41 PM
    Apparently you did not understand the video. If you did, you would understand the police mentality the officer describes at the end of the video as guilty until proven innocent. "If you end up in his interrogation room their is likely a reason". So if all you do is look for information to support your case and ignore everything that does not you are guilty of confirmation bias.

    So by your own admission you are part of the problem. Furthermore if you don't understand this video, which is easily understood, what else don't you understand? My guess is quite a bit.

    Have fun building the police state now. You will be oppressing your own friends neighbors and family in no time. This is not something any of us will escape unscathed.

  12. only a matter of time until 7:41s mouth writes a check his ass can't cash. Think about it for a minute fool. Some of those people you rail against got nothing to live for. only a matter of time till you run up against one. then what? they are gonna care much if they take you with them?

  13. Just comply? That MIGHT stop the situation from getting out of hand. But what if I am tired of being oppressed and the police are making absurd demands? What if they want me to show them my breasts? Or they want to give me a body cavity search on the side of the road? Where is the line drawn? How much do we have debase ourselves so the police feel like I have learned my lesson?

    I have an idea, why don't we just start killing the wrong doers on both sides? Is vigilante justice something we should consider? No its not.

    I agree there is a wide spread mentality of the civilian population that hates cops. Its because we know we are being screwed over and only a complete fool would go along with the charade at this point.


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