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Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Poor: Reagan vs. Obama

I think the poor need another Reagan in the White House.

The income of black heads-of-households dropped by 10.9 percent from June 2009 to June 2013. This decline in black income is more than double the overall 4.4 percent drop nationally in real, adjusted for inflation, median household income during the same four years of alleged “recovery.”

Similarly, real incomes of those under age 25 fell by 9.6 percent over the same period — again, more than double the average drop in household income.

Income in households headed by single women, with or without children, declined by approximately 7 percent over the same four years, a significantly higher drop than the national average.

The income of Hispanic heads-of-households fell by 4.5 percent, slightly more than the national decline, while the income of workers with a high school diploma or less dropped by 6.9 percent.

In dollar terms, the median income per year (including cash government benefits such as earned income tax credits, disability payments and unemployment insurance) in female-headed households and black households has dropped, respectively, by $2,300 and over $4,000 since Obama's stimulus-led “recovery” began in June 2009.



  1. They've already proven themselves to be incapable of getting it.Most if not all of them would vote Obama in for a 3rd term if that was possible.The problem remains that without the black or Hispanic vote a candidate cannot get elected.Are'nt we in a pickle?

  2. 10:00 obamas goal is to destroy the middle class. that is a socialist/communist utopia. everything is right on track for obama. as far as the black or hispanic vote it is not true that you need them to get elected. how about run on a truly conservative platform and stop trying to pander to every single group


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