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Friday, November 08, 2013

The Feminization Of The National Football League

Only in the 2013 version of today’s NFL can a 6’5 300 pound grown man be considered a victim of bullying. What Richie Incognito did was certainly not appropriate but it was also ridiculous of the league to suspend him. Using the N-word and jokingly threatening a player’s mother is definitely in bad taste but does it warrant removing a player’s right to make a living? Jonathan Martin could have solved this problem the way most 300 pound lineman would have; by giving Incognito a taste of his own medicine. He could have lit him up in practice or popped him in the nose to let him know he wasn’t playing. These are grown men not 8 year old school children?

So what’s next is Richie Incognito supposed to make a public apology? Maybe tell the team and the media he will seek counseling and sensitivity training? Give me a break and more importantly, give Mr. Incognito a break as well.

The NFL over the past 10 years or so has really changed. The players are a lot bigger, taller, and physically stronger than they have ever been. There are linebackers now that can run as fast as receivers and quarterbacks that are faster than the fastest running backs. The game of professional football is changing.



  1. Just another black crybaby because his feelings were hurt. So be it. Instead of backing in to the guy he went home to his momma. That's why the Dolphins are losers. Bunch of crybabies.

  2. Yeah yeah, thats what a real man would have done; committed an act of workplace violence. That'll teach 'em. Martin is hitting Icognito and the Dolphins right where it hurts. How much do you want to bet he walks away from the game with quite a nice retirement package all because the dum dum dolphins' mismanagement of the team.

  3. What Incognito did was completely wrong and inexcusable. Just because it happened in football does not make it right. I do agree they have dumbed down pro football but that doesn't excuse an idiot like Incognito. For normal hazing, you suck it up or bury him in his locker. However, it was taken beyond hazing, and as such should be handled by management. This idiot has a long history of trouble, booted from two D1 programs, fined by several different clubs, all to no effect. Maybe being shunned by the league may open his eyes.

  4. Anonymous said...
    Yeah yeah, thats what a real man would have done; committed an act of workplace violence. That'll teach 'em. Martin is hitting Icognito and the Dolphins right where it hurts. How much do you want to bet he walks away from the game with quite a nice retirement package all because the dum dum dolphins' mismanagement of the team.

    November 9, 2013 at 5:19 AM

    A liberal pansy ass Homo.

  5. If Richie Incognito was black on white this would have never been an issue.

  6. Players are indeed much stronger than they used to be.The running quarterbacks have made the game interesting,but they tend to get injured a lot.This issue should have been dealt with internally.Civil rights groups are starving for victims,as much to make their quota to justify their existence as doing what's right.There is currently a fight over who will represent this guy.Sad but true.


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