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Monday, November 04, 2013

Terry McAuliffe Goes AWOL For Virginia Students And Media

Campaign ducks simple questions
It seemed a novel, relatively simple way for Virginia political candidates to engage with high school students across the state — and one that has been done for four years now.

In April, the gubernatorial campaigns of Democrat Terry McAuliffe and Republican Kenneth T. Cuccinelli II were asked if they would provide videotaped responses to five questions culled from 5,300 queries submitted by high school students across Virginia.

The candidates agreed and confirmed when reminded of the project four weeks ago. But two weeks ago, Mr. McAuliffe abruptly backed out — angering administrators and fitting an emerging pattern of evading what appear to be even the most innocuous questions in the closing days of the campaign.



  1. "What difference does it make?" If he gets elected, he will do whatever he wants without regard to what he has said or promised. He's a POLITICIAN..

  2. It doesn't matter. The idiots will elect him anyways.


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