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Monday, November 18, 2013

Teens' 'Knockout Game' A Growing Danger With Deadly Results

A recent string of attacks tied to a dangerous game called “Knockout” -- where unsuspecting residents are targeted and sucker-punched – is being investigated as possible hate crimes.

New York police are looking into the growing trend, WPIX reports, after attacks in predominately Jewish neighborhoods in Brooklyn.

The most recent attack was caught on video last week in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, where a group of ten men spotted a man walking alone, punched him and kept moving, according to the station.



  1. Now, complete the news. They were black gangs.

  2. Probably but they need to be jailed and have the big boys do knockout drills on them.

  3. Black gangs? That's not the way I read the story. I figured that because the group attacked the Jewish gentleman, that it was most likely a Catholic gang? (Where's the "sarcasm font" when you need it?!)

  4. Just carry concealed, always when you are in these areas. I'm lucky, or wise, that I don't live in such a high risk 'hood.

  5. To 827, yeah, they were all white libertarians in a big gang.

    Happy now?

    Have you ever read the news?

  6. 8:27. There is no sarcasm in the truth. And, what is a font?

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    8:27. There is no sarcasm in the truth. And, what is a font?

    November 18, 2013 at 8:53 PM

    turn off the computer and go to bed.


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