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Saturday, November 02, 2013

Storm Season Thus Far The Least Stormy Since ‘94, NOAA Says

Hurricane Sandy made landfall in New Jersey on Oct. 29, 2012, sparing Ocean City the brunt of its damage.

One year later, the city so far has escaped hurricane damage in 2013, thanks to some unpredictable weather patterns.

“With less than six weeks left, the 2013 season has the fewest number of hurricanes since 1982,” said National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration spokesman and Meteorologist Dennis Feltgen.

He added: “The last year without the formation of a major hurricane is 1994.”


  1. The global warming people have been rather quiet...idiots.

  2. You mean the government lied to us??? Horrors!

  3. ...but what about global warming, errr, climate change theorists?

    My bet? They'll say it's because of climate change lol

  4. The West had a terrible summer and now Mother Nature is saving up her fury for us on the East Coast this winter

  5. No, really all the hurricane and earthquake activity was in the Pacific this summer.


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