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Monday, November 04, 2013

State Warns 1 Cent Storm Water Fee Is 'Insufficient'

Frederick County's 1 cent storm water fee could end up costing tens of thousands of dollars in fines, state environmental officials recently warned.

A Maryland Department of the Environment review determined the county's fee would be "insufficient" to pay for the water cleanup efforts required by a state-enforced permit.

The fee of 1 cent per eligible property is estimated to raise $487 annually for county water programs.

"We believe that this level of funding will be insufficient to support the people, programs and projects that will be necessary for the county to meet its obligations under the Watershed Implementation Plan and the new MS4 permit that we expect to issue to your county next month," stated an Oct. 25 letter written by Robert Summers, the state's environmental secretary.


  1. Then use the Stormwater fee that you all charge people for rain you know the rain tax....

  2. The regulation is the problem. Again, what is the machine we're buying with this tax? $1 is too much, because there IS NO PLAN, MACHINE, SYSTEM that stops the runoff! Why can't Liberals see this?

    Well, the answer is obvious.

  3. People,there is no water clean-up,those in charge using the money for themselves and cant show where it's spent.

  4. Welcome to the Socialist State of Maryland...O'Malley the tyrant wants to see how much $ you have and take it!

  5. 2 cents is, again, too much. There is nothing to spend 2 cents on.

  6. Not paying anything, thanks.


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