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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Saving Hillary Clinton

The left is scared to death that its favored 2016 candidate, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, could be on the ropes. Hillary’s favorable ratings are down dramatically from when she left office — in April 2013, her favorability rating stood at 56 percent, but by the end of October, it had dropped to 46 percent. Among independents that number dropped to 35 percent; Hillary even saw a dip of 12 points among Democrats, from 88 percent to 76 percent. Young people in particular are not pleased with the former First Lady — just 38 percent view her favorably, while 53 percent view her unfavorably.

What happened?

Benghazi happened. Since Clinton left office, the media finally found it safe to begin covering what happened in the months surrounding the Sept. 11, 2012, Benghazi terror attacks that resulted in the murder of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens. Whistleblowers like State Department employee and lifelong Democrat Gregory Hicks stepped forward. New memos entered the press. And Clinton, who oversaw a department that left Americans to defend themselves in one of the most dangerous places on the planet undermanned and largely unarmed, paid the price in polling.

Hillary’s failures in Benghazi underscored her larger problem: Her tenure as Secretary of State was an enormous failure. Not one place on earth is now freer due to her tenure. Even her greatest proponents seem only to tout her frequent flyer mileage in her defense.



  1. So? What does it matter?

    Hillary's words not mine...

  2. John Palmer Jr. VOICE member.November 15, 2013 at 11:01 AM

    Does anyone remember when Bill Clinton became President his wife, Hillary,jumped right in with socialized medicine? After about a year and a half and being very unpopular all the talk about single source payer, Hillary Care, just faded out. It didn't go away though. Over the years work continued with Hillary Care. It re-emerged as a full blown three thousand page bill when Obama became President.People wondered how Obama could develop such a huge bill in such a short time when in fact it never went away.It was just re-introduced in another form. And while it wasn't the single source bill as Hillary wanted, it is intended to be a stepping stone towards a single source, government funded, health care system. So I guess we can truly say that Hillary is really the Momma of Obama Care!Let's add this to her list of accomplishments for her run to the Presidency in 2016.


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