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Friday, November 01, 2013

Salisbury Moving Forward With Employee Raises

SALISBURY – Three ordinances were all approved in first reading this week relating to city employee raises, despite one lone voice in the room expressing concerns over sustaining them into the future.

The first ordinance on the table is to approve an amendment of the Fiscal Year 2014 (FY14) General Fund budget to adjust the city’s pay plan with new rates assigned to grades and steps. The city’s current budget would be amended to include the new pay plan to be effective on Jan. 11, 2014.

The second ordinance was to approve an amendment to the FY14 General Fund Budget to adjust position grade assignments and the third ordinance is to approve an amendment of the FY14 General Fund, Water Sewer Fund, and parking budgets to appropriate funds to cover increases in employee compensation.



  1. Liberals dont stop until they spend.all available funds and take all.civil liberties

  2. Can someone please tell me where this money is coming from if it isn't coming from taxes?

  3. it's simple they are doing what they all ways do. Keith cordrey explained it well enough. In layman's terms . We are simply going to use some funds that are going to be freed up from paying off some debts we have. Instead of using the $600,000,00 to pay off more debts,we simply spend that money right away and, maybe take out cpl more loans down the road. who cares our children will pay for it any ways. And what of the rest of the money he speaks of you ask? well we are going to hope all the stars aline just perfectly to free up the rest of the money needed. I mean come on its not like we are in a recession or anything. Oh don't forget those those speed cameras. I was wondering when the funds from them would start popping up in other dept. budget discussion. The new cure all for salisbury's budget down falls. Get used to it people you was told the cameras would only be used in school zones. its only a matter of time and you will have one in your front yard as well. for the greater good of course.

    That my friends is how its done. One could look at it this way. At least they are not lying to you like our king Obama would. They just hope you wouldn't think of it the way i just explained it.

    Do they need raises ? probably so just like there is probably hundreds of thousands in the budget that could be cut ,and used for situations just like this.


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