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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Salisbury Finally Discloses Calibration Records

Salisbury has finally released their calibration records in response to a media request by the Washington Times.... disclosing many of the same records we have been trying to acquire since June.

And guess what.... "Houston we have a problem" :

It's unclear to me at this time how many citations were issued when there were no daily logs and/or expired calibrations since citation counts were not included. It would take another request to determine that. Since access to the records was delayed for so long, some people may have now lost their ability to request hearings to dispute tickets, which they might have done had they know about these issues.


  1. But it's for the safety of the children.....wait what?

  2. Wait until Salisbury city and Wicomico County have to refund all the monies collected from these citations

  3. The county and city need to discontinue use immediately. No records concerning correct calibration equals refunds to motorists. Come on Salisbury and County, can't we do better than this? If this isn't a clear case of liberal greed then I don't know what is. It's not about child safety, it's about money and revenue. Wake up County Council and do the right thing for the right reasons!! There's been Obama, O'Malley and now Wicomico County....haven't we been lied to enough?

  4. Keep in mind that the city is not going to issue any refunds unless local Salisbury residents complain loudly. If this bothers you then local residents need to take this up with the mayor council and make them answer for this apparent negligence. Local residents should demand that ALL the city's current AND PRIOR daily and annual calibration certificates be released to the public, and that any citations issued with invalid calibrations or on days where no daily setup logs exist should be refunded. They will probably try to present some BS explanation or some small number of current calibrations and handwave away all the prior calibration lapses: don't let yourselves get snowed by the city's contractor who gets paid a cut of each ticket fine. Demand to see ALL the proof!!!


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