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Monday, November 04, 2013

Report: Food Insecurity Rising As Crop Production Falls

America’s food security is at immediate risk, according to a report leaked this month by the New York Times. Americans should expect crop production to fall by as much as 2 percent each decade for the rest of the 21st Century.

As the world’s population and accompanying food demand continue to rise, the food supply will not keep pace, say the world’s top scientists. The leaked report, drafted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change at the United Nations, is the direst yet, and departs from previous, more hopeful, reports. With greenhouse gas emissions and temperatures rising, agricultural crops, which are sensitive to both, will struggle to survive, leading to soaring prices and starving populations.

America’s drought last year, which devastated food crops, is illustrative of a trend that will become more prevalent. Yet we keep kicking the food security can down the road by reassuring ourselves that we have enough food supply and that it’s merely a matter of distribution. This is a fool’s errand.


  1. If everyone will quit going back for seconds this problem will be solved.Just don't eat so damn much.

  2. That's funny. This year, farmers around these parts said, they have had one of their best crop yields in years.

  3. anonymous 9:58, I'm not challenging you but I will say this. I know from personal experience that my tomato plants, (and all of my local friends who grow them) had horrible results. We had way too much rain. Mind you, other friends on the Western Shore had far less rain and their production was fantastic.

  4. Not sure more expensive food wouldn't be such a bad idea. See all the fat people around?

  5. It's whatever, bro. Time to start eating people.

  6. Feel free to ignore ANYTHING coming from the IPCC. Britain's still getting snow and the Himalayas still have glaciers.
    As the earth hasn't warmed for 16+ years and C02 has doubled, they need new calamities, e.g., food and water.

  7. We throw away so much food in this country it's incredible. Most (if not all) of the processed food available in America has either corn or soy in it. All the more reason to learn how to cook for yourself and to expand the kinds of things you eat.

  8. Read the article again and note the experts who have an agenda. If the annual crop production is so low, why does the gov pays farmer not to till fertile soil? Why do these experts no declare that using corn for fuel is a scam? Want real facts talk to a farmer who lives without the need the gov controlling his every move.


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