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Thursday, November 28, 2013



  1. I don't know if I totally agree here.
    While the soldier is obviously 'not home for the holiday' nor even 'off' at all. He is supposedly 'not home...' protecting that same holiday... which has been stolen from so many by greedy ethics-less Big American Business.

  2. Reality: These same brave soldiers only have working at Wal-Mart to look foward to after their deployment. Sorry about next Thanksgiving too.

  3. I agree. While I would never step up and be a soldier. It's doesn't mean people shouldn't be upset that they have to work on Thanksgiving. Being a soldier was their choice. It's doesn't give them the right to make civilians feel like their feelings about things aren't justified.

  4. Stay in school kiddies and you won't have to work at Walmart. I'm sure you knew Walmart didn't close during the holidays when you took the job so suck it up and stop complaining

  5. Military service is a voluntary 24/7 commitment. Retail sales, not so much.

  6. 7:02 - go drink some more Kool Aid

  7. 7:02 is obviously a liberal democrat. "I expect all stores to be open for me to shop on thanksgiving but no one should have to work on thanksgiving for that to happen and they should complain about it"


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