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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Prof Corrects Minority Students’ Capitalization, Is Accused Of Racism

Racial tensions are inflamed at the University of California at Los Angeles following several incidents — most notably, one where a professor corrected the grammar, punctuation and capitalization in minority students’ assignments.

The act of correcting a black student was “micro-aggression,” according to the members of the student group “Call 2 Action: Graduate Students of Color,” which launched a sit-in during a subsequent meeting of the class.

“A hostile campus climate has been the norm for Students of Color in this class throughout the quarter as our epistemological and methodological commitments have been repeatedly questioned by our classmates and our instructor,” wrote the group in a statement to the college. “[The] barrage of questions by white colleagues and the grammar ‘lessons’ by the professor have contributed to a hostile class climate.”



  1. The professor is a PHD and is 80 yrs old. He has been teaching forever and now these snot nosed free loaders are going to complain that he actually expects them to learn, correctly. I would fail every single one of them and call it their first life lesson.
    Can't whine your way into a passing grade.

    I will be glad to give them a lesson on what real racism is all about.

  2. Oh now ... letz knot halv a t-cher teach propur Inglish. Heaven 4bid. Watt a raycist akshun. Lettuce noc dem out ... its phun.

  3. lettuce... ha ha ha

  4. I miss spelling with darnell.take the word july...why oh why mr obama did July

  5. Keep them dumb is the plan of white liberals.


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