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Sunday, November 10, 2013

PRMC To Open Their Own Pharmacy

Once again PRMC, (who pays no taxes in the City of Salisbury claiming to be a not for profit Hospital) will soon open its very own Pharmacy inside the Hospital. This will compete with the local mom and pop shops as well as chain Pharmacies.

They will cater to in patient customers as well as their entire Staff of employees at PRMC. 

Way to go Mayor Ireton and Council. You just keep letting these non taxpayers compete against the other tax paying businesses and shut them down. Sounds like a typical Obama, O'Malley, O'Ireton move to cut out competition and create more monopolies at taxpayers expense. 


  1. I guess they can not make enough money overcharging for their services now they are going to try overcharging you for meds!

  2. Three Lower Counties also did it. There is a lot of profit in drugs. Took them long enough to jump on that payload.

  3. I'm surprised that there isn't already a pharmacy in there. How do they dispense medications without one?

  4. years ago they had a pharmacy when it was PGH

  5. I'm not a fan but not-for-profit doesn't mean no profit. Business 101 = NFP is an IRS status....Any profit is reinvested back into the business. I believe the hospital is a private entity and not publicly owned so your logic is a little off.

  6. Johns Hopkins has one. It was convenient to fill your prescription before you left the hospital.

  7. It will be ok they will still be back in office and keep misleading the voters and taking freedom away

  8. Yep, all the Mayors fault. How long has the hospital been there, how long has Jim been Mayor?

  9. good for the drug dealers , reminds me of all the other Obama , O'Malley deals.
    Write your own prescription and sell em.

  10. I can tell you the employees have had to use a mail order pharmacy, so they were never affecting the local pharmacies, for their long term medicines(more than 3months)

    That being said, I think this is a great idea. I see it this way, if I have to take a child of mine to the emergency room, after Apple closes, I can get their prescriptions filled at the hospital. Win for my family.

    As for the chain pharmacies..they are very invested imho in other goods, just not medicines.

    I must also say, Joe, that I respect what you do daily for our community. However the constant attack of our only hospital is getting old. I don't consider AGH a hospital I would visit even though I am closer, as they imo send out a lot patients. Don't get me wrong they are great, but again imo not for more than anything than a break (which they still refer out). They PRMC is a business, they must pay their employess etc. Not for profit or whatever...a lot of us value PRMC in the community. They employee a lot of people in our area, we must remember that.
    So yes, I am glad for this service, it is a little less have to worry about in the even I have an emergency.

  11. Most big hospitals have a public pharmacy. It's a simple matter of convenience for patients being discharged and their families. Good idea.

  12. 4:47-I recall that,but if I'm not mistaken they only filled prescriptions issued by PGH staff.It did save a trip to another pharmacy once you left the ER.

  13. Does this mean they will be open 24/7? After all, people get sick 24/7 and need their meds.

  14. All hospitals in Maryland are NFP. I'm glad PRMC is providing prescriptions to patients before they leave, out can only make us better. Besides, as a mother and a nurse, the convenience will be really nice.

  15. I'll stay with my local mom & pop pharmacy. The only positive thing this could be for me is if I'm a patient in the ER. If I'm discharged after hours I could get the prescription filled right away. Will this pharmacy be open 24/7?

  16. anonymous 5:56, Chuck, how long has the Hospital been there WITHOUT a pharmacy? How long have they been tax free?

    Now, let's get back to why I published this in the first place. SINCE Jim has become Mayor he has given away EDU's and now he's allowing the Hospital to compete with other businesses that DO pay taxes for the same products. Your LIBERAL BS is just that, BS.

    Mayor Jim Ireton is killing the local economy. Oh and he's raising taxes each year to boot.

  17. Joe you are right on with this! I can't believe some of you don't see this as a serious conflict of interest. Prom pays no taxes and now they will be in direct competition with local pharmacies, pharmacies that pay incredible taxes both to the city, county and state. This is not a matter of convenience! It is a way to make money at the expense of tax paying businesses. Wake up people and see this for what is is!

  18. Yeah we can see where they reinvest their money business101

  19. The hospital is considered a "not for profit" organization. This is not a "Non Profit" organization.
    The name is assuring them they don't have to pay taxes if they show that they are not making a profit.
    This easily done by giving the corporate staff or higher -ups large salaries and huge bonuses.
    Bingo , all is legal , maybe not so ethical.
    I don't like the hospital , that's just my opinion.

  20. So now the powers that be can see what medications their employes are taking and possibly charge them more for their insurance next year if they consider them high risk for certain conditions.

  21. Yay they can rip people off by charging way more than they would if they went to walmart. I hope this idea bites prmc in the butt.

    I am about to get a medalert bracelet that says if in urgent need of a hospital DO NOT send me to prmc.

  22. just because they have an internal pharmacy doesn't mean you have to use it. Ask for an RX and go elsewhere.

  23. anonymous 3:50, that's not exactly true.

    Here's the deal. The way PRMC is set up is that IF they make a profit, 50% of that profit can go to the upper executives but the other 50% MUST be paid back into the community.

    The BIG question is, have they been following that rule?


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