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Friday, November 22, 2013

Pelosi: I Never Met ‘Anybody Who Liked His Or Her Plan’

Asked whether she needed to apologize to the formerly insured who have lost their health insurance plans, former House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said, “Did I ever tell my constituents that if they liked their plan they could keep it? I would have if I’d ever met anybody who liked his or her plan. But that was not my experience.”

Pelosi, whose net worth — combined with her husband’s — is estimated between $35 and $180 million, never “met anybody who liked his or her plan”? Her out-of-touch comment reminds one of then-New Yorker film critic, liberal Pauline Kael. In 1972, after Republican Richard Nixon crushed Democrat George McGovern, 49 states to one, a shell-shocked Kael said, “Nobody I know voted for Nixon.”



  1. miss lube rack 1955, as old as the hills and dumber than dirt.

  2. She is so completely out of touch with the actual public that her statements mirror that theory.

    Anyone making the statement, "we have to pass the bill inorder to know what's in it" is a stupid statement and shows her inability to read, interpret data, and articulate the subject matter.

    At the base of course is her net worth, so she really doesn't care about much of anything because she is sheltered and protected. Again a reflection of being out of touch with the vast majority of the public.

    She needs to retire and take up knitting or better yet a strict reading course on ethics.

  3. I have never met anyone who likes Nancy Pelosi.

  4. nancy and joe need to get together. they're like 2 peas in a pod. totally clueless. ditsy.

  5. She is an out of touch IDIOT. So ashamed she came from Maryland.

  6. Nancy and Harry are two examples of why this country will go to $hit... errrrr, is going. So out of touch with the commoners.

  7. Botox has got that old girl !


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