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Friday, November 22, 2013

Only The Self-Reliant Remain Free

Who had more freedom?

Was it the pioneer who rode horseback across the Midwest, settled in a wide-open space without paved roads, grocery stores or hospitals, and had to build his own home, cultivate his own food and educate his own children?

Or was it the less-adventuresome brother he left behind in an Eastern city who lived next door to a hospital, across the street from a public school and kitty corner from a grocery store — but in his later years could only get to work if he rode a public transit line and if the transit line ran on time?

I vote for the pioneer. He was not dependent on government. His brother was.

Self-reliance and freedom are inseparable. Americans once knew this in their very souls. Now, coaxed by those with a socialistic vision of government, we are beginning to forget it. We are becoming ever more dependent on government and putting our freedom at risk.

It is as simple as that.



  1. Big government is never the answer two more freedom. Over the years government's role has changed from helping people to Robing people .

  2. The robing started in earnest with the first liberals like FDR. People were entitled to free stuff without wondering where the money came from.

  3. It won't be long until we are back to cowboy days. Better get the main things needed for survival;

    . Shelter
    . Gun
    . Source of water
    . Unperishable Food
    . Another gun
    . Horse or bicycle, ect

    In that order.

  4. What's "Robing"? I already have a terry cloth robe. Will I be okay? Oh, it's black, so they can't see me at night.

    Gun, check.
    Nother gun, check
    nother gun, check
    water, check
    U-food, check
    nother gun, check
    nother gun, check
    feet, check.
    2 more guns, check.

  5. Self reliants are considered extremists and therefore deemed a threat by the bammy administration. Don't buy to many canning supplies at one time or you'll be put on the "list".


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